Property object
The Property object represents an object property, a category item, a property object page or a variable. Use the SelectedProperty to get the selected property. Use the IncludeProperty event to filter the object properties. The Property object supports the following properties and methods

AddValueAdds a new item, when the property is of EnumType.
BackColorSpecifies the property's background color.
BoldSpecifies a value whether the property appears as bold.
CaptionRetrieves or sets the value's description in the predefined list.
CategoryRetrieves a value indicating whether the item hosts a category.
CategoryNameRetrieves the property's category name.
CellBackColorSpecifies the cell's background color.
CellBackgroundExtIndicates additional colors, text, images that can be displayed on the cell's background using the EBN string format.
CellBackgroundExtValueSpecifies at runtime, the value of the giving property for specified part of the background extension.
CellForeColorSpecifies the cell's foreground color.
ClearClears the predefined list values.
DescriptionSpecifies the property's description.
DisplayCaptionRetrieves the property's full name.
DisplayCheckSpecifies whether the property displays a check box.
DisplayColorSpecifies whether the property displays colors.
DisplayDateSpecifies whether the property displays dates.
DisplayFileSpecifies whether the property displays files.
DisplayFolderSpecifies whether the property displays folders.
DisplaySliderSpecifies whether the property displays a slider.
DisplayValueRetrieves the property's display value. The value is displayed by the properties browser.
DropDownItemsRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the maximum number of visible rows in a drop-down list.
EditTypeSpecifies the type of the property's editor.
EnabledEnables or disables a property.
FlagsRetrieves the property's flags. This is a combination of FUNCFLAGS
ForeColorSpecifies the property's foreground color.
HeightSpecifies the height in pixels of the property.
HTMLNameDisplays the name of the property using built-in HTML format.
HTMLValueDisplays the value of the property using built-in HTML format.
IDSpecifies the property's identifier
ItemCollectionRetrieves a value that indicates whether the property is an item of a collection.
LockedSpecifies whether the property can be edited.
MaskSpecifies the property's mask.
MaskCharSpecifies the property's masking character.
NameRetrieves the property's name.
NumericSpecifies whether the property is of numeric type.
NumericFloatSpecifies whether the property is of float type.
ObjectRetrieves the owner object of the property.
OptionSpecifies an option for the property's editor.
ParameterSpecifies whether the item holds a parameter of the parent property.
ParentRetrieves the parent of the property in the properties browser. Nothing if the property has no parent.
PositionRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the item's position in the children list.
PropertyObjectRetrieves a value that indicates whether the property is an object or non object.
PropertyPageRetrieves a value that indicates whether the property contains a property page.
ReadOnlyRetrieves a value that indicates whether the property is read-only.
RemoveValueRemoves an item, when the property is of EnumType.
SelectableSpecifies whether the user can select the property.
SingleLineSpecifies whether the property is shown using single or multiple lines.
SliderMaxSpecifies the slider's maximum value.
SliderMinSpecifies the slider's minimum value.
SliderStepSpecifies a value that represents the proposed change in the slider control's position.
SliderTickFrequencyReturns or sets a value that indicates the ratio of ticks on the slider control.
SliderWidthSpecifies the width the property's slider.
SortableSpecifies whether the item that hosts the property may change its position while sorting. An unsortable item does not change its position while sort is performed.
SortItemsSorts the list of items in a drop down list editor.
SpinStepSpecifies a value that represents the proposed change in the up-down control's position.
ToolTipSpecifies the property's tooltip.
TypeRetrieves the property's type.
UserDataGets or sets the user-definable data for the current object.
ValueRetrieves or sets the property's value.
VariableRetrieves a value that indicates whether the property is a variable or a property.