method Property.AddValue (Value as Long, Description as String)

Adds a new item, when the property is of EditEnum type.

Value as Long A long expression that indicates the item's value.
Description as String A long expression that indicates the item's caption.

Use the AddValue method to add new value to the list of property of EditEnum, EditDropDown type. Use the RemoveValue method to remove values from the property's list values. Use the SortItems to sort the values by description. Use the Caption property of a predefined value at runtime. Use the Add method to insert new properties to the browser. 

The following sample adds few values to a property of EditEnum type:

With PropertiesList1
    With .Add("Border", 0, EditEnum)
        .AddValue 0, "0 - None"
        .AddValue 1, "1 - Fixed"
    End With
End With