property Property.Flags as Long

Retrieves the property's flags.

Long A long expression that indicates the property's flags.

You can use the Flags property to filter only properties that have some flags, using the IncludeProperty event. Here's a sample that shows how to include only hidden members:

Private Sub PropertiesList1_IncludeProperty(ByVal Property As EXPROPERTIESLISTLibCtl.IProperty, Cancel As Boolean)
    Cancel = Not (Property.Flags And &H40) = &H40
End Sub

Here's the list of all flags:

Name Value Description
FUNCFLAG_FRESTRICTED 0x0001 The function should not be accessible from macro languages. This flag is intended for system-level functions or functions that type browsers should not display.
FUNCFLAG_FSOURCE 0x0002 The function returns an object that is a source of events.
FUNCFLAG_FBINDABLE 0x0004 The function that supports data binding.
FUNCFLAG_FREQUESTEDIT 0x0008 When set, any call to a method that sets the property results first in a call to IPropertyNotifySink::OnRequestEdit. The implementation of OnRequestEdit determines if the call is allowed to set the property.
FUNCFLAG_FDISPLAYBIND 0x0010 The function that is displayed to the user as bindable. FUNC_FBINDABLE must also be set.
FUNCFLAG_FDEFAULTBIND 0x0020 The function that best represents the object. Only one function in a type information can have this attribute.
FUNCFLAG_FHIDDEN 0x0040 The function should not be displayed to the user, although it exists and is bindable.
FUNCFLAG_USESGETLASTERROR 0x0080 The function supports GetLastError. If an error occurs during the function, the caller can call GetLastError to retrieve the error code.
FUNCFLAG_FDEFAULTCOLLELEM 0x0100 Permits an optimization in which the compiler looks for a member named ”xyz” on the type of ”abc”. If such a member is found and is flagged as an accessor function for an element of the default collection, then a call is generated to that member function. Permitted on members in dispinterfaces and interfaces; not permitted on modules.
FUNCFLAG_FUIDEFAULT 0x0200 The type information member is the default member for display in the user interface.
FUNCFLAG_FNONBROWSABLE 0x0400 The property appears in an object browser, but not in a properties browser.
FUNCFLAG_FREPLACEABLE 0x0800 Tags the interface as having default behaviors.
FUNCFLAG_FIMMEDIATEBIND 0x1000 Mapped as individual bindable properties