property ChartView.Root as Node
Gets the root node.

Node A Node object that indicates the root node of the organigram.

Use the Root property to access the root node of the organigram. Use the Nodes property to access the nodes of the organigram. The root node cannot be removed. By default, the root's caption is "Root". Use the Caption property to change the node's caption. The Root's Key property is "root". Use the Item property to access an item by its key. Use the Image property to assign an icon to a node. Use the Picture property to assign a custom size picture to a node. Use the BeginUpdate

The following VB sample assigns a caption and a picture to the root node:

With ChartView1
            With .Root
                .Caption = "<r><dotline><b>Root</b><br>Second line of the root"
                .Picture = "c:\winnt\system32\n2k.bmp"
            End With
End With

The following C++ sample assigns a caption and a picture to the root node:

CNode node = m_chartview.GetRoot();
node.SetCaption( "<r><dotline><b>Root</b><br>Second line of the root" );
node.SetPicture( COleVariant( "c:\\winnt\\system32\\n2k.bmp" ) );

The following VB.NET sample assigns a caption and a picture to the root node:

With AxChartView1
    With .Root
        .Caption = "<r><dotline><b>Root</b><br>Second line of the root"
        .Picture = "c:\winnt\system32\n2k.bmp"
    End With
End With

The following C# sample assigns a caption and a picture to the root node:

EXORGCHARTLib.Node node = axChartView1.Root;
node.Caption = "<r><dotline><b>Root</b><br>Second line of the root";
node.Picture = "c:\\winnt\\system32\\n2k.bmp";

The following VFP sample assigns a caption and a picture to the root node:

With thisform.ChartView1
            With .Root
                .Caption = "<r><dotline><b>Root</b><br>Second line of the root"
                .Picture = "c:\winnt\system32\n2k.bmp"