property Node.Image as Long
Specifies a value that indicates the index of image being used.

Long A long expression that identifies the index of image in the Images collection that's displayed in the node.

Use the Image property to assign an 16x16 icon to the node. The ImageSize property defines the size (width/height) of the icons within the control's Images collection. Use the Picture property to associate a picture to a node. Use the Images property to access the control's Images collection. You can assign the Image property when the Add method is called. Use the ImageAlignment property to align the node's icon. Use the Images method to assign a list of icons at runtime. Use the ReplaceIcon property to add new icons to the control's images list. Use the <img> HTML tag to insert icons inside the node's caption.

The following VB sample assigns an icon to the root node:

With ChartView1.Root
        .Caption = "<r><dotline><b><fgcolor=0000FF>Andrew Fuller</fgcolor></b><br><solidline><b>Title</b>:<r><fgcolor=FF0000>Vice President Sales</fgcolor><br>USA, Tacoma, WA, 98401, 908 W. Capital Way<br><dotline><upline><b>Phone:</b><r>(206) 555-9482"
        .Image = 1
        .ImageAlignment = exImageTop
End With

The following C++ sample assigns an icon to the root node:

m_chartview.GetRoot().SetImage( 1 );

The following VB.NET sample assigns an icon to the root node:

With AxChartView1.Root
    .Image = 1
End With

The following C# sample assigns an icon to the root node:

axChartView1.Root.Image = 1;

The following VFP sample assigns an icon to the root node:

With thisform.ChartView1.Root
    .Image = 1