property Event.KnownProperty(Property as EventKnownPropertyEnum) as Variant
Specifies the value for the Event's property giving its identifier.

Property as EventKnownPropertyEnum A Property being requested
Variant A VARIANT expression that specifies the value of the requested property.
The KnownProperty property may access a property of the event giving its identifier. For instance, the KnownProperty(exEventRepetitive) property indicates whether the current event is repetitive or not. The property returns True, if the Repetitive property is not empty and valid. 

The EventKnowPropertyEnum defines the %identifiers that can be used in formula <%=FORMULA%>, in any of the following label properties

The label properties supports the following identifiers. These identifiers can be used in FORMULA expression:

For instance, the LongLabel = "Start: <%=%1%><br>End: <%=%2%>", displays the starting margin of the event on the first line, while on the second line it displays the ending point of the event.