property Node.Position as Long
Specifies the position of the node.

Long A long expression that specifies the position of the node.

Use the Position property to determine the position of the node in the child nodes collection of the parent node. Use the Index or Key property to identify a node. Use the FirstNode property to get the first child node. Use the NextNode property to determine the next sibling node. Use the NodeCount property to get the number of child nodes. Use the LastNode property to determine the last child node. Use the Nodes property to access the nodes collection. Use the Add method to add a child node. Use the Root property to get the root node. Use the Caption property to specify the caption of the node.

The following VB sample displays the position for each child node that belongs to the root node:

With ChartView1
        With .Root
            Dim c As EXORGCHARTLibCtl.Node
            Set c = .FirstNode
            While Not c Is Nothing
                Debug.Print c.Position
                Set c = c.NextNode
        End With
End With

The following VB sample changes the position of the last visible child node that belongs to the root node:

With ChartView1.Root
    .LastNode.Position = 0
End With

The following C++ sample changes the position of the last visible child node that belongs to the root node:


The following VB.NET sample changes the position of the last visible child node that belongs to the root node:

With AxChartView1.Root
    .LastNode.Position = 0
End With

The following C# sample changes the position of the last visible child node that belongs to the root node:

axChartView1.Root.LastNode.Position = 0;

The following VFP sample changes the position of the last visible child node that belongs to the root node:

With thisform.ChartView1
	.Root.LastNode.Position = 0