ExMenu object
Tip The /COM object can be placed on a HTML page (with usage of the HTML object tag:  <object classid="clsid:...">)  using the class identifier: {7BE68958-94A9-4BCF-B556-8B31738F6FC2}. The object's program identifier is: "Exontrol.ExMenu". The /COM object module is: "ExMenu.dll"
The ExMenu component is a complete new type of control that displays and handles more than a menu for your application. The ExMenu simulates menu bar, popup menu, options button, toolbar, pick list, and more. Use the VisualAppearance property to add new skins to the control. The ExMenu supports the following properties and methods:

AddAceleratorAssociates an accelerator key to the menu item.
AllowChevronRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the control programmatically displays the chevron or the scroll.
AppearanceRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the menu's appearance.
AttachTemplateAttaches a script to the current object, including the events, from a string, file, a safe array of bytes.
BackColorRetrieves or sets the menu's background color.
BackgroundReturns or sets a value that indicates the background color for parts in the control.
BorderRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the menu's border.
ChevronImageRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the index of icon being displayed as a chevron.
ClearAcceleratorsClears the accelerator keys collection.
CursorGets or sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer hovers the control.
DebugRetrieves or sets a value that indicating whether the item's identifier is visible.
EnabledRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the control is enabled or disabled.
EventParamRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the current's event parameter.
ExecuteTemplateExecutes a template and returns the result.
FocusableGets or sets a value that indicates whether the control can receive focus.
FontRetrieves or sets the menu's font.
ForeColorRetrieves or sets the menu's foreground color.
HighLightBorderColorRetrieves or sets a color that indicates the highlight border 's color.
HTMLPictureAdds or replaces a picture in HTML captions.
hWndRetrieves the menu's window handle.
ImagesSets the control's image list at runtime. The Handle should be a handle to an Image List control.
ImageSizeRetrieves or sets the size of icons the control displays..
itemFinds the item given its identifier or its name.
ItemHeightRetrieves or sets the item's height.
ItemsRetrieves a Menu object that handles adding, removing or changing items at runtime.
LoadLoads the menu saved using Save method.
MenuBarBorderSpecifies the menu bar's border.
OpenModeSpecifies the way how the menu is opened.
OpenOnClickSets or gets a value that indicates the way how the user opens the menus, using the mouse.
PictureRetrieves or sets the background's picture.
PictureDisplayRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the way how the picture is displayed.
PopupBackColorRetrieves or sets a color that indicates the popup menu's background color.
PopupForeColorRetrieves or sets a color that indicates the popup menu's text color.
RefreshRefreshes the control.
RemoveAcceleratorRemoves the menu item's accelerator key.
ReplaceIconAdds a new icon, replaces an icon or clears the control's image list.
SaveSaves the menu to the destination.
ScrollImageRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the index of icon being displayed when the left or right scrolling item is visible on the menu bar.
ScrollOnDropSpecifies the effect to show the popup menu when clicking an item, such as scrolling, lighting up, and so on.
ScrollOnWheelIndicates whether the menu gets scrolled once the user rotates the mouse wheel.
SelBackColorRetrieves or sets a color that indicates the selection's background color.
SelectOnSpecifies whether the control selects an item when user presses or releases the mouse button.
SelForeColorRetrieves or sets a color that indicates the selection's text color.
SendCommandSpecifies whether the control sends the WM_COMMAND to the parent-window once the user selects an item, open or close a popup-menu.
SepAccSpecifies a string expression that splits the caption and accelerator key in the item.
ShadowColorSpecifies the shadow color.
ShowPopupShows a popup menu.
TemplateSpecifies the control's template.
TemplateDefDefines inside variables for the next Template/ExecuteTemplate call.
TemplateResultGets the result of the last Template call.
TemplateResultNGets the result of the last Template call, as double.
TemplateResultSGets the result of the last Template call, as string.
ToolTipDelaySpecifies the time in ms that passes before the ToolTip appears.
ToolTipFontRetrieves or sets the tooltip's font.
ToolTipPopDelaySpecifies the period in ms of time the ToolTip remains visible if the mouse pointer is stationary within a control.
ToolTipWidthSpecifies a value that indicates the width of the tooltip window, in pixels.
VersionRetrieves the control's version.
VisibilitySpecify the popup's visibility in percents: 90% is barely visible, and 10% is nearly opaque.
VisualAppearanceRetrieves the control's appearance.