method ExMenu.AddAcelerator (ID as Long, KeyCode as Integer, [CtrlKey as Variant], [ShiftKey as Variant], [AltKey as Variant])
Associates an accelerator key to the menu item.

ID as Long A long expression that specifies the identifier of the item being activated when accelerator key is pressed. 
KeyCode as Integer A long expression that defines the code of the key being the item's accelerator
CtrlKey as Variant A boolean expression that indicates whether the KeyCode key and CTRL key defines the accelerator 
ShiftKey as Variant A boolean expression that indicates whether the KeyCode key and SHIFT key defines the accelerator
AltKey as Variant A boolean expression that indicates whether the KeyCode key and ALT key defines the accelerator 

Use the AddAcelerator method to add accelerators to the menu. The AddAccelerator associates a key to an item. If the user presses one of the control's accelerator keys it fires the Select event. The Select event is not fired if the user presses an accelerator key that's associated to a disabled or a hidden item. Use the Visible property to hide an item. Use the Enabled property to disable an item. Use the form's KeyDown event to get the code of the key you press. Use the Add method to add new items.

The following VB sample assigns the CTRL+F accelerator to an item:

With ExMenu1
    With .Items
        With .Add("Popup", EXMENULibCtl.SubMenu, 1221).SubMenu
            .Add "File     CTRL+F", EXMENULibCtl.Default, 1222
        End With
    End With
    .AddAcelerator 1222, KeyCodeConstants.vbKeyF, True, False, False
End With

If you run the sample, and press CTRL+F combination, the Select event is fired. 

The following C++ sample assigns the CTRL+F accelerator to an item:

COleVariant vtMissing; V_VT( &vtMissing ) = VT_ERROR;
CItem item = m_menu.GetItems().Add( "Popup", COleVariant( long(2) /*SubMenu*/), COleVariant(long(1221)));
CItem subItem = item.GetSubMenu().Add( "File     CTRL+F", COleVariant( long(0) /*Default*/), COleVariant(long(1222)) );
m_menu.AddAcelerator( 1222, 70, COleVariant( VARIANT_TRUE ), COleVariant( VARIANT_FALSE ), COleVariant( VARIANT_FALSE ) );

The following VB.NET sample assigns the CTRL+F accelerator to an item:

With AxExMenu1
    With .Items
        With .Add("Popup", EXMENULib.ItemTypeEnum.SubMenu, 1221).SubMenu
            .Add("File     CTRL+F", EXMENULib.ItemTypeEnum.Default, 1222)
        End With
    End With
    .AddAcelerator(1222, Convert.ToInt32(Keys.F), True, False, False)
End With

The following C# sample assigns the CTRL+F accelerator to an item:

EXMENULib.Menu menu = axExMenu1.Items.Add("Popup", EXMENULib.ItemTypeEnum.SubMenu, 1221).SubMenu;
menu.Add("File     CTRL+F", EXMENULib.ItemTypeEnum.Default, 1222);
axExMenu1.AddAcelerator(1222, Convert.ToInt16(Keys.F), true, false, false);

The following VFP sample assigns the CTRL+F accelerator to an item:

With thisform.ExMenu1
    With .Items
        With .Add("Popup", 2, 1221).SubMenu
            .Add("File     CTRL+F", 0, 1222)
    .AddAcelerator(1222, 70, .t., .f., .f.)