property CalcEdit.Text as String
Specifies the control's text.

String A String expression that indicates the control's text ( no HTML included )
Use the Text property to specify the control's text. The control's text is evaluated using arithmetic operators. The MultiLine property specifies whether the control accepts multiple lines. Use the TextLine property to access the line based on its index. Use the InsertText method inserts text/lines to control. Use the InsertLockedText method inserts locked text/lines to control. Use the Result property to get the result, if the expression is valid. Use the IsValid property to specify whether the Text property is syntactically correct, and may be evaluated. The result is displayed as the user types the expression. The control handles double constants and arithmetic operations like +( addition ), - ( subtraction ), / ( division ), or * ( multiply ). To enforce a priority, you can use parentheses (). The control fires the Change event when the user alters the expression. Use the SelText property to retrieve the selected text. Use the FormatNumbers property to specify the HTML format for the numbers, and the FormatResult to specify the HTML format for the result being displayed while editing. The CalcType property specifies the type of operations the control support. The Export property exports each line of the control including its result.