property CalcEdit.FormatResult as String
Specifies the HTML format of the result.

String A string expression that indicates the HTML format being used to display the result. The FormatResult property should include %% sequence that's replaced with the result. The FormatResult supports also %l%, which is replaced by the evaluation of the FormatLocal property using the current result. 
By default, the FormatResult property is "<fgcolor=808080>[=%%]</fgcolor>". Use the Result property to retrieve the result. The Text property indicates the control's expression. Use the IsValid property to specify whether the expression is syntactically correct and may be evaluated. The Result is not displayed, if the FormatResult property is empty. For instance, the format "</r>%%" displays the result in the right side of the control.

The list of supported built-in HTML tags is:

For instance, let's say we have the following sample:

With CalcEdit1
	.MultiLine = True
	.InsertText "100 * 200"
	.InsertText "300 * 400 * 1.5"
	.InsertText "200 + ( 400 * 1.5 + 300 / 1.19)"
End With 

The following screen shot shows the control if the FormatResult property is "<fgcolor=808080>[=%%]</fgcolor>" (default), FormatLocal property is "" (default)

The following screen shot shows the control if the FormatResult property is "<fgcolor=808080><r> = %%", FormatLocal property is "" (default)

The following screen shot shows the control if the FormatResult property is "<fgcolor=808080><r> = %l%", FormatLocal property is "" (default)

The following screen shot shows the control if the FormatResult property is "<fgcolor=808080><r> = %l%", FormatLocal property is "currency(value)"

The following screen shot shows the control if the FormatResult property is "<fgcolor=808080><r> = %l%", FormatLocal property is "value format `2`"

The following screen shot shows the control if the FormatResult property is "<fgcolor=808080><r> = %l%", FormatLocal property is "value"

The following screen shot shows the control if the FormatResult property is "<fgcolor=808080><r> = %l%", FormatLocal property is "( value > 10000 ? `<fgcolor=FF0000><b>` : ``) + (value format `2`)"

The following screen shot shows the control if the FormatResult property is "<fgcolor=808080><r> = %l%", FormatLocal property is "( value < 10000 ? `<fgcolor=000000><b><font ;16>` : ``) + (value format `2`)"