constants BackgroundPartEnum
The BackgroundPartEnum type defines the parts of the control in a specified state. Use the Background property to change the visual appearance of a any part of the control in a specified state. The following picture shows the parts of the control:

Use the VisiblePart or VisibleParts property to specify which part is visible and which part is not visible. Use the EnablePart or EnableParts property to specify which part is enabled and which part is disabled. 

exToolTipAppearance64 Indicates the visual appearance of the borders of the tooltips. Use the ToolTipWidth property to specify the width of the tooltip window. 
exToolTipBackColor65 Specifies the tooltip's background color.
exToolTipForeColor66 Specifies the tooltip's foreground color.
exVSUp256 Specifies the up button (<) in normal state.
exVSUpP257 Specifies the up button (<) when it is pressed.
exVSUpD258 Specifies the up button (<) when it is disabled.
exVSUpH259 Specifies the up button (<) when the cursor hovers it.
exVSThumb260 Specifies the thumb part (exThumbPart) in normal state.
exVSThumbP261 Specifies the thumb part (exThumbPart) when it is pressed.
exVSThumbD262 Specifies the thumb part (exThumbPart) when it is disabled.
exVSThumbH263 Specifies the thumb part (exThumbPart) when cursor hovers it.
exVSDown264 Specifies the down button (>) in normal state.
exVSDownP265 Specifies the down button (>) when it is pressed.
exVSDownD266 Specifies the down button (>) when it is disabled.
exVSDownH267 Specifies the down button (>) when the cursor hovers it.
exVSLower268 Specifies the lower part ( exLowerBackPart ) in normal state.
exVSLowerP269 Specifies the lower part ( exLowerBackPart ) when it is pressed.
exVSLowerD270 Specifies the lower part ( exLowerBackPart ) when it is disabled.
exVSLowerH271 Specifies the lower part ( exLowerBackPart ) when the cursor hovers it.
exVSUpper272 Specifies the upper part ( exUpperBackPart ) in normal state.
exVSUpperP273 Specifies the upper part ( exUpperBackPart ) when it is pressed.
exVSUpperD274 Specifies the upper part ( exUpperBackPart ) when it is disabled.
exVSUpperH275 Specifies the upper part ( exUpperBackPart ) when the cursor hovers it.
exVSBack276 Specifies the background part ( exLowerBackPart and exUpperBackPart ) in normal state.
exVSBackP277 Specifies the background part ( exLowerBackPart and exUpperBackPart ) when it is pressed.
exVSBackD278 Specifies the background part ( exLowerBackPart and exUpperBackPart ) when it is disabled.
exVSBackH279 Specifies the background part ( exLowerBackPart and exUpperBackPart ) when the cursor hovers it.
exVSUp1280 Specifies the first additional up button (L1) in normal state.
exVSUp1P281 Specifies the first additional up button (L1) when it is pressed. 
exVSUp1D282 Specifies the first additional up button (L1) when it is disabled. 
exVSUp1H283 Specifies the first additional up button (L1) when the cursor hovers it. 
exVSUp2284 Specifies the second additional up button (L2) in normal state.
exVSUp2P285 Specifies the second additional up button (L2) when it is pressed.
exVSUp2D286 Specifies the second additional up button (L2) when it is disabled.
exVSUp2H287 Specifies the second additional up button (L2) when the cursor hovers it.
exVSUp3288 Specifies the third additional up button (L3) in normal state.
exVSUp3P289 Specifies the third additional up button (L3) when it is pressed.
exVSUp3D290 Specifies the third additional up button (L3) when it is disabled.
exVSUp3H291 Specifies the third additional up button (L3) when the cursor hovers it.
exVSUp4292 Specifies the forth additional up button (L4) in normal state.
exVSUp4P293 Specifies the forth additional up button (L4) when it is pressed.
exVSUp4D294 Specifies the forth additional up button (L4) when it is disabled.
exVSUp4H295 Specifies the forth additional up button (L4) when the cursor hovers it.
exVSUp5296 Specifies the fifth additional up button (L5) in normal state.
exVSUp5P297 Specifies the fifth additional up button (L5) when it is pressed.
exVSUp5D298 Specifies the fifth additional up button (L5) when it is disabled.
exVSUp5H299 Specifies the fifth additional up button (L5) when the cursor hovers it.
exVSDown1300 Specifies the first additional down button (R1) in normal state.
exVSDown1P301 Specifies the first additional down button (R1) when it is pressed.
exVSDown1D302 Specifies the first additional down button (R1) when it is disabled.
exVSDown1H303 Specifies the first additional down button (R1) when the cursor hovers it.
exVSDown2304 Specifies the second additional down button (R2) in normal state.
exVSDown2P305 Specifies the second additional down button (R2) when it is pressed.
exVSDown2D306 Specifies the second additional down button (R2) when it is disabled.
exVSDown2H307 Specifies the second additional down button (R2) when the cursor hovers it.
exVSDown3308 Specifies the third additional down button (R3) in normal state.
exVSDown3P309 Specifies the third additional down button (R3) when it is pressed.
exVSDown3D310 Specifies the third additional down button (R3) when it is disabled.
exVSDown3H311 Specifies the third additional down button (R3) when the cursor hovers it.
exVSDown4312 Specifies the forth additional down button (R4) in normal state.
exVSDown4P313 Specifies the forth additional down button (R4) when it is pressed.
exVSDown4D314 Specifies the forth additional down button (R4) when it is disabled.
exVSDown4H315 Specifies the forth additional down button (R4) when the cursor hovers it.
exVSDown5316 Specifies the fifth additional down button (R5) in normal state.
exVSDown5P317 Specifies the fifth additional down button (R5) when it is pressed.
exVSDown5D318 Specifies the fifth additional down button (R5) when it is disabled.
exVSDown5H319 Specifies the fifth additional down button (R5) when the cursor hovers it..
exVSDown6320 Specifies the sixth additional down button (R6) in normal state.
exVSDown6P321 Specifies the sixth additional down button (R6) when it is pressed.
exVSDown6D322 Specifies the sixth additional down button (R6) when it is disabled.
exVSDown6H323 Specifies the sixth additional down button (R6) when the cursor hovers it.
exHSLeft384 Specifies the left button (<) in normal state.
exHSLeftP385 Specifies the left button (<) when it is pressed.
exHSLeftD386 Specifies the left button (<) when it is disabled.
exHSLeftH387 Specifies the left button (<) when the cursor hovers it.
exHSThumb388 Specifies the thumb part (exThumbPart) in normal state.
exHSThumbP389 Specifies the thumb part (exThumbPart) when it is pressed.
exHSThumbD390 Specifies the thumb part (exThumbPart) when it is disabled.
exHSThumbH391 Specifies the thumb part (exThumbPart) when the cursor hovers it.
exHSRight392 Specifies the right button (>) in normal state.
exHSRightP393 Specifies the right button (>) when it is pressed.
exHSRightD394 Specifies the right button (>) when it is disabled.
exHSRightH395 Specifies the right button (>) when the cursor hovers it.
exHSLower396 Specifies the lower part (exLowerBackPart) in normal state.
exHSLowerP397 Specifies the lower part (exLowerBackPart) when it is pressed.
exHSLowerD398 Specifies the lower part (exLowerBackPart) when it is disabled.
exHSLowerH399 Specifies the lower part (exLowerBackPart) when the cursor hovers it.
exHSUpper400 Specifies the upper part (exUpperBackPart) in normal state.
exHSUpperP401 Specifies the upper part (exUpperBackPart) when it is pressed.
exHSUpperD402 Specifies the upper part (exUpperBackPart) when it is disabled.
exHSUpperH403 Specifies the upper part (exUpperBackPart) when the cursor hovers it.
exHSBack404 Specifies the background part (exLowerBackPart and exUpperBackPart) in normal state.
exHSBackP405 Specifies the background part (exLowerBackPart and exUpperBackPart) when it is pressed.
exHSBackD406 Specifies the background part (exLowerBackPart and exUpperBackPart) when it is disabled.
exHSBackH407 Specifies the background part (exLowerBackPart and exUpperBackPart) when the cursor hovers it.
exHSLeft1408 Specifies the first additional left button (L1) in normal state.
exHSLeft1P409 Specifies the first additional left button (L1) when it is pressed.
exHSLeft1D410 Specifies the first additional left button (L1) when it is disabled.
exHSLeft1H411 Specifies the first additional left button (L1) when the cursor hovers it.
exHSLeft2412 Specifies the second additional left button (L2) in normal state.
exHSLeft2P413 Specifies the second additional left button (L2) when it is pressed.
exHSLeft2D414 Specifies the second additional left button (L2) when it is disabled.
exHSLeft2H415 Specifies the second additional left button (L2) when the cursor hovers it.
exHSLeft3416 Specifies the third additional left button (L3) in normal state.
exHSLeft3P417 Specifies the third additional left button (L3) when it is pressed.
exHSLeft3D418 Specifies the third additional left button (L3) when it is disabled.
exHSLeft3H419 Specifies the third additional left button (L3) when the cursor hovers it.
exHSLeft4420 Specifies the forth additional left button (L4) in normal state.
exHSLeft4P421 Specifies the forth additional left button (L4) when it is pressed.
exHSLeft4D422 Specifies the forth additional left button (L4) when it is disabled.
exHSLeft4H423 Specifies the forth additional left button (L4) when the cursor hovers it.
exHSLeft5424 Specifies the fifth additional left button (L5) in normal state.
exHSLeft5P425 Specifies the fifth additional left button (L5) when it is pressed.
exHSLeft5D426 Specifies the fifth additional left button (L5) when it is disabled.
exHSLeft5H427 Specifies the fifth additional left button (L5) when the cursor hovers it.
exHSRight1428 Specifies the first additional right button (R1) in normal state.
exHSRight1P429 Specifies the first additional right button (R1) when it is pressed.
exHSRight1D430 Specifies the first additional right button (R1) when it is disabled.
exHSRight1H431 Specifies the first additional right button (R1) when the cursor hovers it.
exHSRight2432 Specifies the second additional right button (R2) in normal state.
exHSRight2P433 Specifies the second additional right button (R2) when it is pressed.
exHSRight2D434 Specifies the second additional right button (R2) when it is disabled.
exHSRight2H435 Specifies the second additional right button (R2) when the cursor hovers it.
exHSRight3436 Specifies the third additional right button (R3) in normal state.
exHSRight3P437 Specifies the third additional right button (R3) when it is pressed.
exHSRight3D438 Specifies the third additional right button (R3) when it is disabled.
exHSRight3H439 Specifies the third additional right button (R3) when the cursor hovers it.
exHSRight4440 Specifies the forth additional right button (R4) in normal state.
exHSRight4P441 Specifies the forth additional right button (R4) when it is pressed.
exHSRight4D442 Specifies the forth additional right button (R4) when it is disabled.
exHSRight4H443 Specifies the forth additional right button (R4) when the cursor hovers it.
exHSRight5444 Specifies the fifth additional right button (R5) in normal state.
exHSRight5P445 Specifies the fifth additional right button (R5) when it is pressed.
exHSRight5D446 Specifies the fifth additional right button (R5) when it is disabled.
exHSRight5H447 Specifies the fifth additional right button (R5) when the cursor hovers it.
exHSRight6448 Specifies the sixth additional right button (R6) in normal state.
exHSRight6P449 Specifies the sixth additional right button (R6) when it is pressed.
exHSRight6D450 Specifies the sixth additional right button (R6) when it is disabled.
exHSRight6H451 Specifies the sixth additional right button (R6) when the cursor hovers it.
exSBtn324 Specifies all button parts ( L1-L5, <, exThumbPart, >, R1-R6 ), in normal state. Use this option the same visual appearance for all buttons in the control.
exSBtnP325 Specifies all button parts ( L1-L5, <, exThumbPart, >, R1-R6 ), when it is pressed. Use this option the same visual appearance for all buttons in the control.
exSBtnD326 Specifies all button parts ( L1-L5, <, exThumbPart, >, R1-R6 ), when it is disabled. Use this option the same visual appearance for all buttons in the control.
exSBtnH327 Specifies all button parts ( L1-L5, <, exThumbPart, >, R1-R6 ), when the cursor hovers it . Use this option the same visual appearance for all buttons in the control.
exScrollHoverAll500 Enables or disables the hover-all feature. By default (Background(exScrollHoverAll) = 0), the left/top, right/bottom and thumb parts of the control' scrollbars are displayed in hover state while the cursor hovers any part of the scroll bar (hover-all feature). The hover-all feature is available on Windows 11 or greater, if only left/top, right/bottom, thumb, lower and upper-background parts of the scrollbar are visible, no custom visual-appearance is applied to any visible part. The hover-all feature is always on If Background(exScrollHoverAll) = -1. The Background(exScrollHoverAll) = 1 disables the hover-all feature.
exScrollSizeGrip511 Specifies the background of the control, when the Mode is exSizeGrip.