property ScrollBar.VisibleParts as Long
Specifies the parts of the control being visible.

Long A long expression that specifies an OR combination of PartEnum values that indicates which parts are visible and which parts are not shown. 
By default, the VisibleParts property is 1984 ( that's a OR combination of exLeftBPart, exLowerBackPart, exThumbPart, exUpperBackPart and exRightBPart ). The VisiblePart property specifies which part is visible and which part is hidden. By default, when a part becomes visible, the EnablePart property is automatically called, so it becomes enabled. Use the Background property to specify a visual appearance for a specified part of the control in a certain state. Use the OrderParts to specify the order of the buttons in the scroll bar.

By default, the following parts are shown:

The control fires the ClickPart event when the user clicks a part of the control. The ClickingPart event is fired continuously while the user keeps clicking the part of the control.

The following VB sample displays a message when the user clicks the exLeftB1Part part of the control:

Private Sub ScrollBar1_ClickPart(ByVal Part As EXSCROLLBARLibCtl.PartEnum)
    If (Part = exLeftB1Part) Then
        MsgBox ("Click")
    End If
End Sub

The following VB.NET sample displays a message when the user clicks the exLeftB1Part part of the control:

Private Sub AxScrollBar1_ClickPart(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXSCROLLBARLib._IScrollBarEvents_ClickPartEvent) Handles AxScrollBar1.ClickPart
    If (e.part = EXSCROLLBARLib.PartEnum.exLeftB1Part) Then
    End If
End Sub

The following C++ sample displays a message when the user clicks the exLeftB1Part part of the control:

void OnClickPartScrollbar1(long Part) 
	if ( Part == 32768 /*exLeftB1Part*/ )
		MessageBox( "Click" );

The following C# sample displays a message when the user clicks the exLeftB1Part part of the control:

private void axScrollBar1_ClickPart(object sender, AxEXSCROLLBARLib._IScrollBarEvents_ClickPartEvent e)
    if (e.part == EXSCROLLBARLib.PartEnum.exLeftB1Part)

The following VFP sample displays a message when the user clicks the exLeftB1Part part of the control:

*** ActiveX Control Event ***

if ( part = 32768 )
	wait window "click"