event UserEditorOleEvent (Object as Object, Ev as OleEvent, Ed as Editor)
Occurs when an user editor fires an event.

Object as Object An Object that fires the event.
Ev as OleEvent An OleEvent object that holds information about fired event.
Ed as Editor An Editor object whose inner ActiveX control fires the event. 
The UserEditorOleEvent event notifies your application when an inner ActiveX control fires an event.  The UserEditorType type specifies an editor that may host an ActiveX control. Use the Add method to insert an editor that hosts an ActiveX control. Use the UserEditor method to create an inner ActiveX control.

Syntax for UserEditorOleEvent event, /NET version, on:

private void UserEditorOleEvent(object sender,object Obj,exontrol.EXRECORDLib.OleEvent Ev,exontrol.EXRECORDLib.Editor Ed)

Private Sub UserEditorOleEvent(ByVal sender As System.Object,ByVal Obj As Object,ByVal Ev As exontrol.EXRECORDLib.OleEvent,ByVal Ed As exontrol.EXRECORDLib.Editor) Handles UserEditorOleEvent
End Sub

Syntax for UserEditorOleEvent event, /COM version, on:

private void UserEditorOleEvent(object sender, AxEXRECORDLib._IRecordEvents_UserEditorOleEventEvent e)


void __fastcall UserEditorOleEvent(TObject *Sender,IDispatch *Object,Exrecordlib_tlb::IOleEvent *Ev,Exrecordlib_tlb::IEditor *Ed)

procedure UserEditorOleEvent(ASender: TObject; Object : IDispatch;Ev : IOleEvent;Ed : IEditor);

procedure UserEditorOleEvent(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXRECORDLib._IRecordEvents_UserEditorOleEventEvent);

begin event UserEditorOleEvent(oleobject Object,oleobject Ev,oleobject Ed)
end event UserEditorOleEvent

Private Sub UserEditorOleEvent(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXRECORDLib._IRecordEvents_UserEditorOleEventEvent) Handles UserEditorOleEvent
End Sub

Private Sub UserEditorOleEvent(ByVal Object As Object,ByVal Ev As EXRECORDLibCtl.IOleEvent,ByVal Ed As EXRECORDLibCtl.IEditor)
End Sub

Private Sub UserEditorOleEvent(ByVal Object As Object,ByVal Ev As Object,ByVal Ed As Object)
End Sub


PROCEDURE OnUserEditorOleEvent(oRecord,Object,Ev,Ed)

Syntax for UserEditorOleEvent event, /COM version (others), on:

<SCRIPT EVENT="UserEditorOleEvent(Object,Ev,Ed)" LANGUAGE="JScript">

Function UserEditorOleEvent(Object,Ev,Ed)
End Function

Procedure OnComUserEditorOleEvent Variant llObject Variant llEv Variant llEd
	Forward Send OnComUserEditorOleEvent llObject llEv llEd

METHOD OCX_UserEditorOleEvent(Object,Ev,Ed) CLASS MainDialog

void onEvent_UserEditorOleEvent(COM _Object,COM _Ev,COM _Ed)

function UserEditorOleEvent as v (Object as P,Ev as OLE::Exontrol.Record.1::IOleEvent,Ed as OLE::Exontrol.Record.1::IEditor)
end function

function nativeObject_UserEditorOleEvent(Object,Ev,Ed)

The following VB sample adds an Exontrol.ComboBox control and displays the events being fired by inner ActiveX control:

Option Explicit

Private Function isInstalled(ByVal s As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Error
    CreateObject (s)
    isInstalled = True
    Exit Function
    isInstalled = False
End Function

Private Sub Form_Load()
    With Record1
            With .Add("ActiveX", UserEditorType)
                .Position = 2
                Dim progID As String
                progID = "Exontrol.ComboBox"
                If Not (isInstalled(progID)) Then
                    .Value = """" & progID & """ is not installed."
                    .ToolTip = .Value
                    .ForeColor = vbRed
                    .UserEditor progID, ""
                    .LabelBackColor = SystemColorConstants.vbMenuBar
                    ' Accesses the inside ActiveX control, in our case an ExComboBox control. https://www.exontrol.com/excombobox.jsp
                    With .UserEditorObject()
                            .BackColorEdit = SystemColorConstants.vbMenuBar
                            .IntegralHeight = True
                            .ColumnAutoResize = True
                            .LinesAtRoot = True
                            .MinHeightList = 164
                            .MinWidthList = 264
                            .MarkSearchColumn = False
                            .FilterBarDropDownHeight = -150
                            .DrawGridLines = True
                            .Alignment = 0
                            With .Columns
                                .Add "Column 1"
                                .Add "Column 2"
                                With .Add("Column 3")
                                    .DisplayFilterButton = True
                                End With
                            End With
                            With .Items
                                Dim h, h1
                                h = .AddItem(Array("Root 1", "SubChild 1", "SubChild 2"))
                                h1 = .InsertItem(h, , Array("Child 1", "SubChild 1.1", "SubChild 1.2"))
                                .CellMerge(h1, 0) = 1
                                .CellHasCheckBox(h1, 0) = True
                                h1 = .InsertItem(h, , Array("Child 2", "SubChild 2.1", "SubChild 2.2"))
                                .CellMerge(h1, 0) = 1
                                .CellHasCheckBox(h1, 0) = True
                                .ExpandItem(h) = True
                                h = .AddItem(Array("Root 2", "SubChild 1", "SubChild 2"))
                                h1 = .InsertItem(h, , Array("Child 1", "SubChild 1.1", "SubChild 1.2"))
                                .CellMerge(h1, 0) = 1
                                h1 = .InsertItem(h, , Array("Child 2", "SubChild 2.1", "SubChild 2.2"))
                                .CellMerge(h1, 0) = 1
                                .ExpandItem(h) = True
                            End With
                            .Value = "Root 1"
                    End With
                End If
            End With
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub Record1_UserEditorOleEvent(ByVal Object As Object, ByVal Ev As EXRECORDLibCtl.IOleEvent, ByVal Ed As EXRECORDLibCtl.IEditor)
On Error Resume Next
    Debug.Print "Event name: " & Ev.Name
    If (Ev.CountParam = 0) Then
       Debug.Print vbTab & "The event has no arguments."
       Debug.Print "The event has the following arguments:"
       Dim i As Long
       For i = 0 To Ev.CountParam - 1
          Debug.Print vbTab & Ev(i).Name; " = " & Ev(i).Value
    End If
End Sub

The following VC sample adds an Exontrol.ComboBox control and displays the events being fired by inner ActiveX control:

#import "c:\winnt\system32\ExComboBox.dll"
#import "c:\winnt\system32\ExRecord.dll"

CString strObject( "Exontrol.ComboBox" );
COleVariant vtMissing; vtMissing.vt = VT_ERROR;
m_record.SetLabelSize( 110 );
CEditor editor = m_record.Add( COleVariant( "ActiveX" ), EXRECORDLib::UserEditorType, vtMissing );
editor.SetPosition( 2 );
if ( !isInstalled( strObject.AllocSysString() ) )
	CString strFormat;
	strFormat.Format( "\"%s\" is not installed.", (LPCSTR)strObject );
	editor.SetValue( COleVariant( strFormat ) );
	editor.SetForeColor( RGB( 255, 0, 0 ) );
	// Creates the exComboBox control. https://www.exontrol.com/excombobox.jsp
	editor.UserEditor( strObject, "" );
	if ( EXCOMBOBOXLib::IComboBoxPtr spComboBox = editor.GetUserEditorObject() )
		spComboBox->BackColorEdit = GetSysColor( COLOR_MENU );
		spComboBox->IntegralHeight = true;
		spComboBox->ColumnAutoResize = true;
		spComboBox->LinesAtRoot = EXCOMBOBOXLib::exLinesAtRoot;
		spComboBox->MinHeightList = 164;
		spComboBox->MinWidthList = 264;
		spComboBox->MarkSearchColumn = false;
		spComboBox->DrawGridLines = EXCOMBOBOXLib::exAllLines;
		spComboBox->FilterBarDropDownHeight = -150;
		spComboBox->Alignment = EXCOMBOBOXLib::RightAlignment;
		EXCOMBOBOXLib::IColumnsPtr spColumns = spComboBox->Columns;
		spColumns->Add("Column 1");
        spColumns->Add("Column 2");
        EXCOMBOBOXLib::IColumnPtr spColumn = spColumns->Add("Column 3");
		spColumn->DisplayFilterButton = true;
		EXCOMBOBOXLib::IItemsPtr spItems = spComboBox->Items;
		long h = spItems->AddItem( v( "Root 1" ) );
		spItems->CellCaption[v(h)][v((long)1)] = v("SubChild 1");
		spItems->CellCaption[v(h)][v((long)2)] = v("SubChild 2");
		long h1 = spItems->InsertItem( h, vtMissing, v( "Child 1" ) );
		spItems->CellCaption[v(h1)][v((long)1)] = v("SubChild 1.1");
		spItems->CellCaption[v(h1)][v((long)2)] = v("SubChild 1.2");
		spItems->CellHasCheckBox[v(h1)][v((long)0)] = true;
		spItems->CellMerge[v(h1)][v((long)0)] = v((long)1);
		h1 = spItems->InsertItem( h, vtMissing, v( "Child 2" ) );
		spItems->CellCaption[v(h1)][v((long)1)] = v("SubChild 2.1");
		spItems->CellCaption[v(h1)][v((long)2)] = v("SubChild 2.2");
		spItems->CellHasCheckBox[v(h1)][v((long)0)] = true;
		spItems->CellMerge[v(h1)][v((long)0)] = v((long)1);
		spItems->put_ExpandItem( h, TRUE );

		h = spItems->AddItem( v( "Root 2" ) );
		spItems->CellCaption[v(h)][v((long)1)] = v("SubChild 1");
		spItems->CellCaption[v(h)][v((long)2)] = v("SubChild 2");
		h1 = spItems->InsertItem( h, vtMissing, v( "Child 1" ) );
		spItems->CellCaption[v(h1)][v((long)1)] = v("SubChild 1.1");
		spItems->CellCaption[v(h1)][v((long)2)] = v("SubChild 1.2");
		spItems->CellHasCheckBox[v(h1)][v((long)0)] = true;
		spItems->CellMerge[v(h1)][v((long)0)] = v((long)1);
		h1 = spItems->InsertItem( h, vtMissing, v( "Child 2" ) );
		spItems->CellCaption[v(h1)][v((long)1)] = v("SubChild 2.1");
		spItems->CellCaption[v(h1)][v((long)2)] = v("SubChild 2.2");
		spItems->CellHasCheckBox[v(h1)][v((long)0)] = true;
		spItems->CellMerge[v(h1)][v((long)0)] = v((long)1);
		spItems->put_ExpandItem( h, TRUE );

		spComboBox->Value = "Root 1";


static CString V2S( VARIANT* pv, LPCTSTR szDefault = _T("") )
	if ( pv )
		if ( pv->vt == VT_ERROR )
			return szDefault;

		COleVariant vt;
		vt.ChangeType( VT_BSTR, pv );
		return V_BSTR( &vt );
	return szDefault;

void OnUserEditorOleEventRecord1(LPDISPATCH Object, LPDISPATCH Ev, LPDISPATCH Ed) 
	EXRECORDLib::IOleEventPtr spEvent = Ev;
	CString strOutput = "Event name: ";
	strOutput += spEvent->Name;
	strOutput += "\r\n";
	if ( spEvent->CountParam == 0 )
		strOutput += "\tThe event has no arguments.";
		strOutput += "\tThe event has no arguments.\r\n";
		for ( long i = 0; i < spEvent->CountParam; i++ )
			strOutput += spEvent->GetParam( v(i) )->Name;
			strOutput += " = ";
			strOutput += V2S( &spEvent->GetParam( v(i) )->Value);
			strOutput += "\r\n";

	OutputDebugString( strOutput );

In C++, the #import "path-to-ExRecord.dll" adds a new EXRECORDLib namespace that includes definition for OleEvent and OleEventParam classes.