Group object
The Group object holds a collection of columns and items that can de displayed as a tabular view or hierarchical view. Use the Add method to Groups collection to add new groups to the control. Use the Items property to access the group's Items collection. Use the Columns property to access the group's Columns collection. Use the AddItem method to add new items to the group. Use the Add method to add new columns to the group.

AlignmentRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the caption's alignment.
AllowEditGets or sets a value indicating whether edits are allowed.
AllowExpandSpecifies whether the group can be expanded or collapsed.
AllowScrollEnables or disables scrolling the group when it is expanded or collapsed.
ApplyFilterApplies the filter.
ASCIILowerSpecifies the set of lower characters.
ASCIIUpperSpecifies the set of upper characters.
AutoHeightSpecifies a value that indicates whether the height of the group's list is computed based on the visible items in the group.
AutoSearchEnables or disables the group's incremental searching feature.
BackColorRetrieves or sets the group's background color.
BackColor2Specifies the color at the ending boundary line of the gradient group's caption.
BackColorAlternateSpecifies the background color used to display alternate items in the group.
BackColorHeaderSpecifies the group header's background color.
BackColorLevelHeaderSpecifies the multiple levels header's background color.
BackColorListRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the background color of the list when the group is active.
BackColorLockRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the group's background color for the locked area.
BeginUpdateMaintains performance when items are added to the group one at a time. This method prevents the control from painting until the EndUpdate method is called.
BoldSpecifies a value that indicates whether the group's caption should appear in bold.
BorderColorSpecifies the color of group's border.
CaptionSpecifies the group's caption.
CaptionFormatSpecifies how the group's caption is displayed.
CheckImageRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the image used by cells of checkbox type.
ClearFilterClears the filter.
ColumnAutoResizeReturns or sets a value indicating whether the group will automatically size its visible columns to fit on the group's list width.
ColumnFromPointRetrieves the column from point.
ColumnsRetrieves the group's columns collection.
ColumnsAllowSizingRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether a user can resize columns at run-time.
ConditionalFormatsRetrieves the conditional formatting collection.
ContinueColumnScrollRetrieves or sets a value indicating whether the group scrolls columns pixel by pixel.
CountLockedColumnsRetrieves or sets a value indicating the number of locked columns. A locked column is not scrollable.
DataSourceRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the data source for the group.
DefaultItemHeightRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the default item height.
DescriptionChanges descriptions for group objects.
DrawGridLinesRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the grid lines are visible or hidden.
EndUpdateResumes painting the group after painting is suspended by the BeginUpdate method.
EnsureVisibleColumnScrolls the group's content to ensure that the column fits the client area.
ExpandedExpands or collapses the group.
ExpandOnDblClickSpecifies whether the item is expanded or collapsed if the user dbl clicks the item.
ExpandOnKeysSpecifies a value that indicates whether the control expands or collapses a node when user presses arrow keys.
ExpandOnSearchExpands items automatically while user types characters to search for a specific item.
FilterBarBackColorSpecifies the background color of the group's filter bar.
FilterBarCaptionSpecifies the filter bar's caption.
FilterBarDropDownHeightSpecifies the height of the drop down filter window proportionally with the height of the group's list.
FilterBarFontRetrieves or sets the font for group's filter bar.
FilterBarForeColorSpecifies the foreground color of the group's filter bar.
FilterBarHeightSpecifies the height of the group's filter bar. If the value is less than 0, the filter bar is automatically resized to fit its description.
FilterBarPromptSpecifies the caption to be displayed when the filter pattern is missing.
FilterBarPromptColumnsSpecifies the list of columns to be used when filtering using the prompt.
FilterBarPromptPatternSpecifies the pattern for the filter prompt.
FilterBarPromptTypeSpecifies the type of the filter prompt.
FilterBarPromptVisibleShows or hides the filter prompt.
FilterCriteriaRetrieves or sets the filter criteria.
FilterIncludeSpecifies the items being included after the user applies the filter.
FontRetrieves or sets the group's font.
ForeColorSpecifies the group's foreground color.
ForeColorHeaderSpecifies the group header's foreground color.
ForeColorListRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the foreground color of the group's list when it is active.
ForeColorLockRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the group's foreground color for the locked area.
FullRowSelectEnables full-row selection in the group.
GetItemsGets the collection of items into a safe array,
GridLineColorSpecifies the group's grid line color.
GridLineStyleSpecifies the style for gridlines in the list part of the group.
HasButtonsAdds a button to the left side of each parent item. The user can click the button to expand or collapse the child items as an alternative to double-clicking the parent item.
HasButtonsCustomSpecifies the index of icons for +/- signs when the HasButtons property is exCustom.
HasLinesEnhances the graphic representation of a group's hierarchy by drawing lines that link child items to their corresponding parent item.
HeaderAppearanceRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the appearance of the group's header.
HeaderHeightRetrieves or sets a value indicating the group's header height.
HeaderSingleLineSpecifies whether the control resizes the columns header and wraps the captions in single or multiple lines.
HeaderVisibleRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the the group's header is visible or hidden.
HeightSpecifies the height in pixels of the group's list.
HideSelectionReturns a value that determines whether selected item appears highlighted when the group loses the focus.
HotBackColorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the hot-tracking background color.
HotForeColorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the hot-tracking foreground color.
hWndRetrieves the group's window handle.
HyperLinkColorSpecifies the hyperlink color.
ImageSpecifies group's image.
ImageAlignmentSpecifies the icon's alignment.
IndentRetrieves or sets the amount, in pixels, that child items are indented relative to their parent items.
IndentGroupLeftSpecifies a value that indicates the indent of the group's list to the left side.
IndentGroupRightSpecifies a value that indicates the indent of the group's list to the right side.
IndentHeaderBottomSpecifies the number of pixels to indent the group's header from the bottom part.
IndentHeaderLeftSpecifies the number of pixels to indent the group's header from the left part.
IndentHeaderRightSpecifies the number of pixels to indent the group's header from the right part.
IndentHeaderTopSpecifies the number of pixels to indent the group's header from the top part.
IndexRetrieves the index of the object into the Groups collection..
ItalicSpecifies a value that indicates whether the group's caption should appear in italic.
ItemFromPointRetrieves the item from point.
ItemsRetrieves the group's items collection.
ItemsAllowSizingRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether a user can resize items at run-time.
LeftSpecifies the distance between the left edge of the control and group's list.
LinesAtRootLink items at the root of the hierarchy.
MarkSearchColumnRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the searching column is marked or unmarked
PictureRetrieves or sets a graphic to be displayed in the group's list.
PictureDisplayRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the way how the graphic is displayed on the list's background
PictureDisplayLevelHeaderRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the way how the graphic is displayed on the control's header background.
PictureLevelHeaderRetrieves or sets a graphic to be displayed in the control's header when multiple levels is on.
PositionSpecifies the group's position.
PutItemsAdds an array of integer, long, date, string, double, float, or variant arrays to the group.
RadioImageRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the image used by cells of radio type.
RClickSelectRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether an item is selected using right mouse button.
RefreshRefreshes the group's content.
RightToLeftIndicates whether the group should draw right-to-left for RTL languages.
ScrollBarsReturns or sets a value that determines whether the group has horizontal and/or vertical scroll bars.
ScrollButtonHeightSpecifies the height of the button in the vertical scrollbar.
ScrollButtonWidthSpecifies the width of the button in the horizontal scrollbar.
ScrollBySingleLineRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the control scrolls the lines to the end. If you have at least a cell that has SingleLine false, you have to check the ScrollBySingleLine property.
ScrollFontRetrieves or sets the scrollbar's font.
ScrollPartCaptionSpecifies the caption being displayed on the specified scroll part.
ScrollPartCaptionAlignmentSpecifies the alignment of the caption in the part of the scroll bar.
ScrollPartEnableIndicates whether the specified scroll part is enabled or disabled.
ScrollPartVisibleIndicates whether the specified scroll part is visible or hidden.
ScrollThumbSizeSpecifies the size of the thumb in the scrollbar.
ScrollToolTipSpecifies the tooltip being shown when the user moves the scroll box.
SearchColumnIndexRetrieves or sets a value indicating the column's index for incremental searching feature.
SelBackColorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the selection background color.
SelBackModeRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the selection is transparent or opaque.
SelectColumnSpecifies whether the user selects cells only in SelectColumnIndex column, while FullRowSelect property is False.
SelectColumnIndexRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the column's index where the user can select an item. It has effect only if FullRowSelect is false.
SelectColumnInnerRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the index of the inner cell that's selected.
SelForeColorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the selection foreground color.
SelLengthReturns or sets the number of characters selected.
SelStartReturns or sets the starting point of text selected; indicates the position of the insertion point if no text is selected.
SetFocusSets the keyboard focus to the group's list window.
ShortcutSpecifies the name of the shortcut which displays the group.
ShowFocusRectRetrieves or sets a value indicating whether the group draws a thin rectangle arround the focused item.
ShowLockedItemsRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the control displays the locked items.
SingleSelRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the group supports single or multiple selection.
SortOnClickRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the group sorts automatically the data when the user click on column's caption.
StrikeOutSpecifies a value that indicates whether the group's caption should appear in strikeout.
ToolTipSpecifies the group's tooltip.
TopSpecifies the distance between the top edge of the control and group's list.
TreeColumnIndexRetrieves or sets a value indicating the column's index where the hierarchy will be displayed.
UnderlineSpecifies a value that indicates whether the group's caption is underlined.
UserDataSpecifies the group's extra data.
WidthRetrieves the width in pixels of the group's list.