event HighLightItem (OldItem as Item, NewItem as Item)
Occurs when an item is highlighted.

OldItem as Item An Item object being un-highlighted.
NewItem as Item An Item object being highlighted.

Use the HighLightItem event to notify your application that an item is highlighted. The HighLightItem event occurs when cursor hovers the item. The HighlightItemType property specifies the way how the control marks the highlighted item. Use the HyperLinkColor property to specify the item's foreground color when the cursor hovers the mouse. Use the ForeColor property to specify the item's foreground color. Use the AllowHighLight property to avoid highlighting an item when the cursor hovers it.

Syntax for HighLightItem event, /NET version, on:

private void HighLightItem(object sender,exontrol.EXPLORERBARLib.Item OldItem,exontrol.EXPLORERBARLib.Item NewItem)

Private Sub HighLightItem(ByVal sender As System.Object,ByVal OldItem As exontrol.EXPLORERBARLib.Item,ByVal NewItem As exontrol.EXPLORERBARLib.Item) Handles HighLightItem
End Sub

Syntax for HighLightItem event, /COM version, on:

private void HighLightItem(object sender, AxEXPLORERBARLib._IExplorerBarEvents_HighLightItemEvent e)

void OnHighLightItem(LPDISPATCH OldItem,LPDISPATCH NewItem)

void __fastcall HighLightItem(TObject *Sender,Explorerbarlib_tlb::IItem *OldItem,Explorerbarlib_tlb::IItem *NewItem)

procedure HighLightItem(ASender: TObject; OldItem : IItem;NewItem : IItem);

procedure HighLightItem(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXPLORERBARLib._IExplorerBarEvents_HighLightItemEvent);

begin event HighLightItem(oleobject OldItem,oleobject NewItem)
end event HighLightItem

Private Sub HighLightItem(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXPLORERBARLib._IExplorerBarEvents_HighLightItemEvent) Handles HighLightItem
End Sub

Private Sub HighLightItem(ByVal OldItem As EXPLORERBARLibCtl.IItem,ByVal NewItem As EXPLORERBARLibCtl.IItem)
End Sub

Private Sub HighLightItem(ByVal OldItem As Object,ByVal NewItem As Object)
End Sub


PROCEDURE OnHighLightItem(oExplorerBar,OldItem,NewItem)

Syntax for HighLightItem event, /COM version (others), on:

<SCRIPT EVENT="HighLightItem(OldItem,NewItem)" LANGUAGE="JScript">

Function HighLightItem(OldItem,NewItem)
End Function

Procedure OnComHighLightItem Variant llOldItem Variant llNewItem
	Forward Send OnComHighLightItem llOldItem llNewItem

METHOD OCX_HighLightItem(OldItem,NewItem) CLASS MainDialog

void onEvent_HighLightItem(COM _OldItem,COM _NewItem)

function HighLightItem as v (OldItem as OLE::Exontrol.ExplorerBar.1::IItem,NewItem as OLE::Exontrol.ExplorerBar.1::IItem)
end function

function nativeObject_HighLightItem(OldItem,NewItem)

The following VB sample bolds the highlighted item:

Private Sub ExplorerBar1_HighLightItem(ByVal OldItem As EXPLORERBARLibCtl.IItem, ByVal NewItem As EXPLORERBARLibCtl.IItem)
    If Not OldItem Is Nothing Then
        OldItem.Bold = False
    End If
    If Not NewItem Is Nothing Then
        NewItem.Bold = True
    End If
End Sub

The following C++ sample bolds the highlighted item:

void OnHighLightItemExplorerbar1(LPDISPATCH OldItem, LPDISPATCH NewItem) 
	CItem oldItem( OldItem ); oldItem.m_bAutoRelease = FALSE;
	CItem newItem( NewItem ); newItem.m_bAutoRelease = FALSE;
	if ( oldItem.m_lpDispatch != NULL )
		oldItem.SetBold( FALSE );
	if ( newItem.m_lpDispatch != NULL )
		newItem.SetBold( TRUE );

The following VB.NET sample bolds the highlighted item:

Private Sub AxExplorerBar1_HighLightItem(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AxEXPLORERBARLib._IExplorerBarEvents_HighLightItemEvent) Handles AxExplorerBar1.HighLightItem
    If Not e.oldItem Is Nothing Then
        e.oldItem.Bold = False
    End If
    If Not e.newItem Is Nothing Then
        e.newItem.Bold = True
    End If
End Sub

The following C# sample bolds the highlighted item:

private void axExplorerBar1_HighLightItem(object sender, AxEXPLORERBARLib._IExplorerBarEvents_HighLightItemEvent e)
	if (e.oldItem != null)
		e.oldItem.Bold = false;
	if (e.newItem != null)
		e.newItem.Bold = true;

The following VFP sample bolds the highlighted item:

*** ActiveX Control Event ***
LPARAMETERS olditem, newitem

If !isnull(OldItem)
    OldItem.Bold = .f.
If !isnull(NewItem)
    NewItem.Bold = .t.