property Item.AllowHighLight as Boolean
Specifies whether the item can be marked as highlighted.

Boolean A boolean expression that specifies specifies whether the item can be marked as highlighted.

By default, the AllowHighLight property is True. Use the AllowHighLight property to avoid highlighting an item when the cursor hovers it.  An item gets highlighted when the AllowHighLight property is True, and the mouse hovers the item. Use the HighlightItemType property to specify the way how the control marks the highlighted item. The control fires the HighLightItem event when the cursor hovers an item. Use the HyperLinkColor property to specify the foreground color when the cursor hovers the item. Use the ForeColor property to specify the item's foreground color. Use the Underline property to underline an item. Use the HandCursor property to show the hand cursor when the cursor hovers the item.