property Node.LinkToCaption(Key as String) as String
Specifies the HTML caption being shown on a LinkTo line.

Key as String A String expression that specifies the key of the node to link to
String A String expression that indicates the HTML caption being shown on the link.
Use the LinkToCaption property to specify the caption being shown on the LinkTo property. The LinkTo property adds an arbitrary link between two nodes. The LinkColor property specifies the color of the links between nodes. The ShowLinks property doesn't affect the links added with the LinkTo property. The ShowLinksDir property specifies whether the links between nodes show their directions. The PenWidthLink property specifies the thickness of the lines between nodes. Use the PenLink property to specify the type of the pen used to paint the lines between nodes.

The following screen shot shows the links between nodes with their direction including HTML captions on links: