method ChartView.BeginUpdate ()
Maintains performance when items are added to the control one at a time.


The BeginUpdate method prevents the control from painting until the EndUpdate method is called. Use the Add method to add new child nodes. Use the Remove method to remove a node from the control. Use the Root property to get the root node of the control.

The following VB sample adds four nodes to the control :

With ChartView1
    With .Nodes
        .Add "Item 1", "root", "Key1"
        .Add "Item 2", "root"
        .Add "Sub Item 1", "Key1"
        .Add "Sub Item 2", "Key1"
    End With
End With

The following C++ sample adds four nodes to the control :

#include "nodes.h"
COleVariant vtMissing; V_VT( &vtMissing ) = VT_ERROR;
CNodes nodes = m_chartview.GetNodes();
nodes.Add( "Item 1", COleVariant( "root" ), COleVariant("Key1"), vtMissing, vtMissing );
nodes.Add( "Item 2", COleVariant( "root" ), vtMissing, vtMissing, vtMissing );
nodes.Add( "Sub Item 1", COleVariant( "Key1" ), vtMissing, vtMissing, vtMissing );
nodes.Add( "Sub Item 2", COleVariant( "Key1" ), vtMissing, vtMissing, vtMissing );

The following VB.NET sample adds four nodes to the control :

With AxChartView1
    With .Nodes
        .Add("Item 1", "root", "Key1")
        .Add("Item 2", "root")
        .Add("Sub Item 1", "Key1")
        .Add("Sub Item 2", "Key1")
    End With
End With

The following C# sample adds four nodes to the control :

EXORGCHARTLib.Nodes nodes = axChartView1.Nodes;
nodes.Add("Item 1", "root", "Key1", null, null);
nodes.Add("Item 2", "root", null, null, null);
nodes.Add("Sub Item 1", "Key1", null, null, null);
nodes.Add("Sub Item 2", "Key1", null, null, null);

The following VFP sample adds four nodes to the control :

With thisform.ChartView1
    With .Nodes
        .Add("Item 1", "root", "Key1")
        .Add("Item 2", "root")
        .Add("Sub Item 1", "Key1")
        .Add("Sub Item 2", "Key1")