property NAVHostCtrl.HostEvents as String
Specifies the list of events to be handled through the control's Event event, else all events are handled ( missing or not set ).

String A String expression that specifies the list of events to be handled through the control's Event event, else all events are handled ( missing or not set ). The list of events is separated by any of the following characters: ' ', ',', '.', ':', '\t'
By default, the HostEvents property is empty, which indicates that all events of the hosting event are fired through the NAVHost's HostEvent event. The HostEvent event notifies your application once the hosting control ( Host ) fires an event. The HostEvents property of the NAVHost control specifies the list of events that the control should handle. The AsString property of the NAVHostEvent object gives a brief description of the event that occurred including the event's name, identifier and its list of arguments. Each control that the NAVHost host provides its own events, so for what events the hosting control supports consult its documentation.

Use the following properties to identify/filter the event: