method Menu.Add (Caption as String, [ItemType as Variant], [ID as Variant])
Adds a new item to menu and retrieves the newly created object.

Caption as String A string expression that defines the item's caption. The caption argument may include built in HTML tags like described in the Caption property.
ItemType as Variant An ItemTypeEnum expression that indicates the type of the item like follows: 0 - Default, 1 - Separator, 2 - Popup. 3 - SubControl
ID as Variant A long expression that indicates the item's identifier. If the value is missing, the control automatically assign a new identifier. 
ItemAn Item object that indicates the newly created menu item.

Use the Add method to add items are runtime.  Use the ToString method to quick load items from a formatted string. The Separator property specifies whether an item is of Separator type . The Popup property specifies whether the item contains sub items. Use SubMenu property to access the sub items of a popup item. The Refresh method must be called to reflect the changes on the control's content. Use the SubControl property to specify the control's identifier, when ItemType is SubControl. The ItemHeight property specifies the height for the items in the menu

The control provides a WYSWYG editor that helps building a menu at design time. Select the control in design mode, and select 'Properties' control's context menu in order to access the menu's editor at design time ( like in the following screen shot ):

The following VB sample adds few items at runtime:

With ExMenu1
        .Debug = True
        With .Items
            With .Add("Menu 1", EXMENULibCtl.SubMenu).SubMenu
                .Add("File", EXMENULibCtl.Default, 1222).Alignment = exRight
                .Add("Open", EXMENULibCtl.Default, 1223).Alignment = exRight
                .Add "Print Preview", EXMENULibCtl.Default, 1224
                .Add "", EXMENULibCtl.Separator
                .Add("Close", , 1225).Image = 1
            End With
        End With
End With

The following VB sample adds few items using built-in HTML tags:

With ExMenu1
        With .Items
            With .Add("Menu <fgcolor=0000FF>1</fgcolor>", EXMENULibCtl.SubMenu, 1221)
                With .SubMenu
                    .Add "File     <b>CTRL+F</b>", EXMENULibCtl.Default, 1222
                    .Add("Open", EXMENULibCtl.Default, 1223).Alignment = exRight
                    .Add "<fgcolor=00FFFF>Print</fgcolor> <u>Preview</u>", EXMENULibCtl.Default, 1224
                    .Add "", EXMENULibCtl.Separator
                    .Add("Close", , 1225).Image = 1
                End With
            End With
        End With
        .AddAcelerator 1222, KeyCodeConstants.vbKeyF, True, False, False
End With

Using built-in HTML tags you can colorize your items.

The following VB changes the item with the identifier 7 to host an ActiveX control ( A Microsoft Calendar Control in this case ):

With ExMenu1(7)
        .Control = True
        With .SubControl
            .ControlID = "MSCAL.Calendar"
            .Width = 176
            .Height = 156
            With .Object
                .ShowDateSelectors = False
            End With
        End With
End With

The following VB sample adds some items that are aligned to the right:

With ExMenu1
        .Border = BumpBorder
        With .Items
            With .Add("Menu 1", EXMENULibCtl.SubMenu).SubMenu
                .Add("File").Alignment = exRight
                .Add("Open").Alignment = exRight
                .Add ("Print Preview")
            End With
        End With
End With

The following C++ sample adds some items that are aligned to the right:

COleVariant vtMissing; V_VT( &vtMissing ) = VT_ERROR;
m_menu.SetBorder( 5/*BumpBorder*/ );
CItem item = m_menu.GetItems().Add( "Menu 1", COleVariant( (long)2 /*SubMenu*/ ), vtMissing );
CItem itemF = item.GetSubMenu().Add( "File", vtMissing, vtMissing );
itemF.SetAlignment( 2 /*RightAlignment*/ );
CItem itemO = item.GetSubMenu().Add( "Open", vtMissing, vtMissing );
itemO.SetAlignment( 2 /*RightAlignment*/ );
item.GetSubMenu().Add("Print Preview", vtMissing, vtMissing);

The following VB.NET sample adds some items that are aligned to the right:

With AxExMenu1
    .Border = EXMENULib.BorderEnum.BumpBorder
    With .Items
        With .Add("Menu 1", EXMENULib.ItemTypeEnum.SubMenu).SubMenu
            .Add("File").Alignment = EXMENULib.AlignmentEnum.exRight
            .Add("Open").Alignment = EXMENULib.AlignmentEnum.exRight
            .Add("Print Preview")
        End With
    End With
End With

The following C# sample adds some items that are aligned to the right:

axExMenu1.Border = EXMENULib.BorderEnum.BumpBorder;
EXMENULib.Menu items = axExMenu1.Items;
EXMENULib.Menu subMenu = items.Add("Menu 1", EXMENULib.ItemTypeEnum.SubMenu, null).SubMenu;
subMenu.Add("File", null, null).Alignment = EXMENULib.AlignmentEnum.exRight;
subMenu.Add("Open", null, null).Alignment = EXMENULib.AlignmentEnum.exRight;
subMenu.Add("Print Preview", null, null);

The following VFP sample adds some items that are aligned to the right:

With thisform.ExMenu1
        .Border = 5 && BumpBorder
        With .Items
            With .Add("Menu 1", 2).SubMenu && EXMENULibCtl.SubMenu
                .Add("File").Alignment = 2 && exRight
                .Add("Open").Alignment = 2 && exRight
                .Add ("Print Preview")