Group object
The Group object holds a collection of Item objects. The Item property accesses a group object. The Group object supports the following properties and methods:

AddItemAdds a new item to the group object.
AlignmentRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the caption's alignment.
AutoScrollSpecifies whether the scroll buttons are automatically added.
BackColorRetrieves or sets the group's background color.
BackColor2Specifies the color at the ending boundary line of the gradient group's caption.
BackColorListRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the background color of the list when the group is active.
BoldSpecifies whether the group's caption should appear in bold.
CaptionSpecifies the group's caption.
CaptionFormatSpecifies how the group's caption is displayed.
ClearClears the items collection.
CountGets the count of the items.
EnsureVisibleItemEnsures that the item fits the group's client area.
ForeColorSpecifies the group's foreground color.
ForeColorListRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the foreground color of the group's list when it is active.
ImageSpecifies the index of the group's icon.
IndentHeaderBottomSpecifies the number of pixels to indent the group's header from the bottom part.
IndentHeaderLeftSpecifies the number of pixels to indent the group's header from the left part.
IndentHeaderRightSpecifies the number of pixels to indent the group's header from the right part.
IndentHeaderTopSpecifies the number of pixels to indent the group's header from the top part.
IndexRetrieves the index of the object into the Groups collection..
ItalicSpecifies whether the group's caption should appear in italic.
ItemReturns a specific Item from the collection.
ItemByPosGets the item given its position.
ItemHeightRetrieves or sets the item's height.
ItemWidthRetrieves or sets the item's width. -1 if it's the group's client width.
PictureRetrieves or sets a graphic to be displayed in the group's list.
PictureDisplayRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the way how the graphic is displayed on the list's background
PositionSpecifies the group's position.
RemoveItemRemoves an item given its index or given its caption.
SelectItemSpecifies the index of item that's selected.
ShortcutSpecifies the name of the shortcut which displays the group.
StrikeOutSpecifies whether the group's caption should appear in strikeout.
ToolTipSpecifies the group's tooltip.
UnderlineSpecifies whether the group's caption appears as underlined.
UserDataSpecifies an extra data.