property List.BackColor as Color
Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the control's background color.

Color A color expression that indicates the control's background color.

Use the BackColor property to change the control's background color. Use the ForeColor property to change the control's foreground color. Use the ItemBackColor or CellBackColor to change the item or cell's background color. The control highlights the selected items only if the SelBackColor and BackColor properties have different values, and the SelForeColor and ForeColor properties have different values. Use the Def(exCellBackColor) property to specify the background color for all cells in a column. Use the CountLockedColumns to specify the number of locked columns. The unlocked are contains the columns that can be scrolled horizontally. To change the background color of the control's locked area use BackColorLock property. Use the CellBackColor property to assign a different background color for a specified cell. Use the ItemBackColor property to specify the item's background color. Use the BackColorAlternate property to specify the background color used to display alternate items in the control. Use the Picture property to assign a picture to the control's background.