property Items.SelectPos as Variant
Selects items by position.

Variant A long expression that indicates the position of item being selected, or a safe array that holds a collection of position of items being selected.  
Use the SelectPos property to select items by position. Use the SelectItem property to select an item giving its handle. The SelectPos property selects an item giving its general position. The ItemPosition property gives the relative position, or the position of the item in the child items collection. The AllowSelectObjects property allows users to select at runtime the bars and links in the chart area. Use the ItemBar(exBarSelected) property to select or unselect programmatically a bar. Use the Link(exLinkSelected) property to select or unselect programmatically a link.

The following VB sample selects the first item in the control:

G2antt1.Items.SelectPos = 0

The following VB sample selects first two items:

G2antt1.Items.SelectPos = Array(0, 1)

The following C++ sample selects the first item in the control:

m_g2antt.GetItems().SetSelectPos( COleVariant( long(0) ) );

The following VB.NET sample selects the first item in the control:

With AxG2antt1.Items
    .SelectPos = 0
End With

The following C# sample selects the first item in the control:

axG2antt1.Items.SelectPos = 0;

The following VFP sample selects the first item in the control:

with thisform.G2antt1.Items
	.SelectPos = 0