event IncludeFolder (Folder as ExShellFolder, Include as Boolean)
Occurs when the user includes folders to the control

Folder as ExShellFolder A Folder object being included in the control's list
Include as Boolean A Boolen expression that specifies whether the Folder is included or excluded from the control's list.
The IncludeFolder event notifies your application that a new folder is included in the control's list. Use the IncludeFolder event to customize the list of folders being included in your list.  The IncludeFolder event is fired only if the IncludeFolder property is True.

Syntax for IncludeFolder event, /NET version, on:

private void IncludeFolder(object sender,exontrol.EXFOLDERVIEWLib.ExShellFolder Folder,ref bool Include)

Private Sub IncludeFolder(ByVal sender As System.Object,ByVal Folder As exontrol.EXFOLDERVIEWLib.ExShellFolder,ByRef Include As Boolean) Handles IncludeFolder
End Sub

Syntax for IncludeFolder event, /COM version, on:

private void IncludeFolder(object sender, AxEXFOLDERVIEWLib._IExFolderViewEvents_IncludeFolderEvent e)

void OnIncludeFolder(LPDISPATCH Folder,BOOL FAR* Include)

void __fastcall IncludeFolder(TObject *Sender,Exfolderviewlib_tlb::IExShellFolder *Folder,VARIANT_BOOL * Include)

procedure IncludeFolder(ASender: TObject; Folder : IExShellFolder;var Include : WordBool);

procedure IncludeFolder(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXFOLDERVIEWLib._IExFolderViewEvents_IncludeFolderEvent);

begin event IncludeFolder(oleobject Folder,boolean Include)
end event IncludeFolder

Private Sub IncludeFolder(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXFOLDERVIEWLib._IExFolderViewEvents_IncludeFolderEvent) Handles IncludeFolder
End Sub

Private Sub IncludeFolder(ByVal Folder As EXFOLDERVIEWLibCtl.IExShellFolder,Include As Boolean)
End Sub

Private Sub IncludeFolder(ByVal Folder As Object,Include As Boolean)
End Sub

LPARAMETERS Folder,Include

PROCEDURE OnIncludeFolder(oExFolderView,Folder,Include)

Syntax for IncludeFolder event, /COM version (others), on:

<SCRIPT EVENT="IncludeFolder(Folder,Include)" LANGUAGE="JScript">

Function IncludeFolder(Folder,Include)
End Function

Procedure OnComIncludeFolder Variant llFolder Boolean llInclude
	Forward Send OnComIncludeFolder llFolder llInclude

METHOD OCX_IncludeFolder(Folder,Include) CLASS MainDialog

void onEvent_IncludeFolder(COM _Folder,COMVariant /*bool*/ _Include)

function IncludeFolder as v (Folder as OLE::Exontrol.FolderView.1::IExShellFolder,Include as L)
end function

function nativeObject_IncludeFolder(Folder,Include)