ExShellFolder object
The ExShellFolder object supports the following properties and methods:

AttributeAsks for a specific attribute.
AttributesRetrieves the attributes of the source.
CheckChecks if the folder checked or unchecked.
DisplayNameRetrieves the name displayed in the tree for the source.
ExpandedSpecifies whether the folder is expanded or collapsed.
FolderPathRetrieves the folder path, using the API SHGetFolderPath.
FoldersRetrieves a ExShellFolder object collection representing the subfolders of source.
HandleRetrieves the handle of the source.
IDRetrieves the ExShellFolder's ITEMIDLIST as an safe array.
InvokeCommandInvokes a specified command from the object's context menu.
InvokeRenamePerforms the rename operation
LoadedRetrieves a value that indicates whether the control has loaded the child folders of the source.
NameRetrieves the name of the source.
ParentRetrieves the parent folder of the source.
PartialCheckChecks if the source is partial-checked or not.
PathNameRetrieves the path of the source.
ShareNameRetrieves the share folder name.
UserDataAssociates an extra data.