property ExShellFolder.ID as Variant
Retrieves the ExShellFolder's ITEMIDLIST as an safe array.

Variant A Variant expression that indicates the identifier of the folder.

Windows owns the ITEMIDLIST structure. Use this property when you want to link ExShellView or ExFolderCombo controls with ExFolderView control. For instance the following sample shows how to link a ExFolderCombo control with a ExFolderView control:

Private Sub FolderComboX1_NewFolderOpened()
   ExFolderView1.SelectedFolder = ExFolderComboX1.OpenedFolder
End Sub

Private Sub ExFolderCombo1_NewFolderOpened()
   ExFolderComboX1.OpenedFolder = NewFolder.ID
End Sub

This property is read-only and only available at run-time