expivot - what's new
Exontrol ExPivot Component - Release Notes (https://exontrol.com/expivot.jsp) Sep 09, 2024
*Added: GridLinesStyleEnum.exGridlinesGeometric flag. The control's gridlines are drawn using a geometric pen. A geometric pen can have any width and can have any of the attributes of a brush, such as dithers and patterns (a cosmetic pen can only be a single pixel wide and must be a solid color, but cosmetic pen are generally faster than geometric pens.
*Added: Serializes the ScrollBySingleLine, Items.ItemHeight, Items.ItemMinHeight, Items.ItemMaxHeight, to XML format the LoadXML/SaveXML method
*Added: Serializes the Items.ItemDivider, Items.ItemDividerLine, Items.ItemDividerLineAlignment and Items.ItemHeight properties to XML file using the LoadXML / SaveXML method May 01, 2024
*NEW:   Ability to append data (prevents clearing data already loaded)
*Added: AppendData(Source, Options, Result) method appends data to the control. the AppendData method does not clear the data already loaded into the control. The AppendData method can add a new data source (ADO or DAO recordset), XML file (previously saved by SaveXML method) or anything that Import method accept. The Options parameter is the same as Options parameter of the Import method.
*Fixed: Expand/collapse glyphs are DPI aware Feb 14, 2024
*Added: The expression properties supports `bias` constant that defines the difference, in minutes, between Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local time. For example, Middle European Time (MET, GMT+01:00) has a time zone bias of "-60" because it is one hour ahead of UTC. Pacific Standard Time (PST, GMT-08:00) has a time zone bias of "+480" because it is eight hours behind UTC. For instance, date(value - bias/24/60) converts the UTC time to local time, or date(date('now') + bias/24/60) converts the current local time to UTC time
*Fixed: On some machines, the format keyword (within expression properties) provides more than 2 decimals for French(Canada) regional settings (for instance "12.3456 format ``" displays 12.3456 instead of 12.35)
*Fixed: A GPF may occur if re-loading data using expandable columns (Column.ExpandColumns property) Nov 15, 2023
*Added: PowerBuilder 21.0 sample
*Fixed: Improves the conversion of the string to date, while using Regional settings (Windows System) for date like ddd.dd.mm.yyyy (Su.15.02.2021)
*Fixed: The Column.Def(exHeaderPaddingRight) property causes the pointer-cursor not to be shown while cursor hovers the column's drop-down filter button (Column.DisplayFilterButton property) Aug 28, 2023
*NEW:   Ability to export the control's data as an array using the Export method
*Added: If the Destination argument of Export method is "array", the Export method returns the control's data as a safe two-dimensional array. For instance Export("array","vis") method exports the control's data as it is displayed into a two-dimensional array (zero-based). The result includes the columns headers into the first list, while the rest of lines contains the control's visible data. For instance, Export("array", "vis")(1, 5) returns the value of the cell on the second column and fifth row. Jul 05, 2023
*NEW:   Show the column's drop down filter bar button differently, while the column has a filter applied
*Added: The Background(exHeaderFilterBarActive) property specifies the visual appearance of the drop down filter bar button, while filter is applied to the column
*Added: The Background(exPivotBarTotal) property specifies the visual appearance of the Total button within the control's pivot bar May 29, 2023
*NEW: Z-Events support (Standard .NET event patterns)
*Added: Every event of the control (/NET assembly) provides a Z-Event alternative, of "void OnEventRaised(object sender, EventArgs args)" type. The .NET convention is for an event (Z-event) signature to have a void return and 2 parameters. The first parameter is of type System.Object and is the sender of the event. The second parameter must be of type System.EventArgs or derived from System.EventArgs and contains data passed between sender and receiver. For instance, the "DblClick(object sender, short Shift, int X, int Y)" event is equivalent to "ZDblClick(object sender, ZDblClickArgs e)", where "ZDblClickArgs" type is derived from System.EventArgs and includes definitions for Shift, X and Y properties
*Fixed: "Warning: The <event-name> event is a .NET event that does not follow the .NET convention for event signatures (OpenEdge, ABL code)". To prevent this warning, under OpenEdge environment you must use the Z-event alternatives Feb 06, 2023
*Added: Sets or gets the control's Font property in design mode, for the /NET version
*Fixed: The BackColor/ForeColor properties of the /NET version are not serialized once the user changes in design mode (the control's background/foreground is set to the default value once the form is started)
*Fixed: The BackColor/ForeColor properties of the /NET version are not copied in design mode, when the user copies the control in design-mode using CTRL + C (copy) and CTRL + V (paste) combination Nov 02, 2022
*Added: ExPivot.pdf (include the control's documentation in PDF format)
*Added: The Images method supports the Microsoft ImageList ( mscomctl.ocx, MSComctlLib.ImageList type) object directly. Shortly, you can define the control's images by calling Images(ImageList1.Object). The ImageList1.Object returns the object of MSComctlLib.ImageList type. The Microsoft ImageList object is available for /COM on x86 and x64 machines (starting from Access 2016)
*Added: FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarTop (0x2000) flag aligns the control's filter-bar to the top of the control. The filter-bar is displayed right-below the control's header-bar. By default, the control's filter-bar is aligned to the bottom  (FilterBarPromptVisible property) Jun 15, 2022
*Added: Serializes the visibility and position of the columns float bar using the Layout property. The "ColumnsFloatBar" and "ColumnsFloatBarRect" fields of Layout content save/load the visibility/position of the columns float bar. In other words, the Layout property serializes the columns float bar (visibility and position)
*Fixed: The HeaderSingleLine property is ignored if the control's header displays multiple levels of columns (Column.LevelKey property)
*Fixed: The "Do you want to save changes to the design of form ''? Yes, No, Cancel" message occurs in MS Access, every time the form is closed in design mode Feb 14, 2022
*Added: Improves the speed to scroll/display the control on 4K applications.
*Added: The Description(exFilterBarExclude) allows ex-html format (ability to replace the "Exclude" field with your custom ex-html string)
*Fixed: FormatAnchor(False) = vbNullString fails (vbNullString is a special VB constant that denotes a null string. The "" literal is an empty string) Dec 20, 2021
*Added: The 0x200(exGridLinesGeometric) flag draws the grid lines using a geometric pen (geometric pens are generally slower than cosmetic pens)
*Fixed: Scrolling is slower if the control displays grid-lines (DrawGridLines property)
*Added: The option "Roll the mouse wheel to scroll" of Window's mouse & touchpad settings specifies the number of items to vertically scroll. Previously, scrolling vertical with the mouse wheel takes 3 items at a time Nov 22, 2021
*Fixed: Any expression that includes the "in" operator fails.
*Fixed: The scroll bar's thumb minimum-size is equivalent with the size of the size of scroll's buttons. In other words, the size of the scroll's buttons specify the thumb minimum-size. Previously, the thumb's minimum-size was 6-pixels.
*Fixed: A GPF may occur if the control is re-created with expandable-columns (Column.ExpandColumns) Oct 25, 2021
*Added: FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptWords Or FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptStartWith filters for items that starts with the exactly the word (not partially).
*Added: FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptWords Or FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptEndWith filters for items that starts with the exactly the word (not partially).
*Added: FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptCaseSensitive Or FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptPattern filter items using the giving pattern (case-sensitive). For instance, "a*" filters for all items that starts with lowercase "a"
*Fixed: The FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptEndWith flag of FilterBarPromptType property filters more items than it should. Jun 28, 2021
*NEW:   Data Binding support for /WPF assembly
*Added: DataSource property gets or sets the data source that the control is displaying data for. The DataContext/DataSource support of the control allows you to use the data-binding feature of the /WPF environment for our /WPF ex-controls. The DataSource property specifies the sub-set of DataContext the control should get data from. The DataSource property can be: DataTable, DataView, DataSet, DataViewManager, any component that implements the IListSource interface, or any component that implements the IList interface. The DataContext is the source of all entities mapped over a database connection. Once the DataSource property is set, the control automatically gets data based on the DataContext property.
*Added: Ability to scroll the control's content using two-fingers on a touchpad (swipe up or down with two fingers, scrolls the control's up or down)
*Fixed: Prevents showing the "This application is about to initialize ActiveX controls that might be unsafe. If you trust the source of this file, select OK and the controls will be initialized using your current workspace settings." warning message while the control is running into MS Office forms or user-forms. May 26, 2021
*NEW:   Ability to use the control in window-less mode (no user interface). 
*Added: Documentation for eXPivot/JS (http://exontrol.com/rhelp.jsp?product=expivot&config=/js)
*Fixed: The control shows the dragging column in black, even the control's header shows the columns in white (ForeColorHeader property)
*Fixed: Prevents showing the "This application is about to initialize ActiveX controls that might be unsafe. If you trust the source of this file, select OK and the controls will be initialized using your current workspace settings." warning message while the control is running into MS Office forms or user-forms. Mar 22, 2021
*Fixed: Sometimes, the user can't scroll to the last item, if the last scrollable item is partially visible.
*Fixed: Can't move the column to be the last-visible column, while all columns are visible (ColumnAutoResize property on False)
*Fixed: Move slightly the last partially visible column, changes its position.
*Fixed: Dropping the column after the last visible column, ends up one-column to the right after the dropped position. Feb 01, 2021
*Added: lpad keyword (available for properties that support expressions) , as a lpad b, pads the value of a to the left with b padding pattern. For instance, FormatColumn = "((1 apos ``) lpad `0000`) + `. ` + value" displays the cell's content including the position of the row, padded to left with 4-zero (if required)
*Added: rpad keyword (available for properties that support expressions), as a rpad b, pads the value of a to the right with b padding pattern. For instance, 12 lpad "____" generates the string "12__".
*Added: concat keyword (available for properties that support expressions), as a concat b concatenates the a (as string) for b times. For instance, "x" concat 5, generates the string "xxxxx"
*Fixed: "The current version, supports ADO and DAO Recordsets. Make sure that the object is an ADO recordset, or a DAO recordset" error may occur if using ADO objects. Dec 02, 2020
*NEW:   Ability to executes x-script code ( including events ), from a string, file or a safe array of bytes. This feature allows you to load the control's visual appearance and behavior, without having to write any line of code. The x-script code can save EBNs, icons, pictures into BASE64 encoded strings, and so everything can be put into a single file, that should be invoked by AttachTemplate method. This feature allows you to run any x-script code for any configuration of the component (/COM, /NET or /WPF). 
*Added: AttachTemplate method executes the giving x-script code, and attach events if found. The x-script code can contain handle keyword that defines a handler for the specified event. For instance, the AttachTemplate("handle Click() { print(Version) }") sends the control's Version property to the debugger for display. All you need is to open the DebugView tool, and click the control.
*Added: The control's Template page supports AttachTemplate so you can assign x-script code ( including events )  in design mode, and so the control's visual appearance and behavior is changed once the control is created at runtime (/COM version only). 
*Fixed: Prevents re-grouping the items when a column does not change it's position in the control's SortBar/GroupBy bar. Prevents changing the column's sorting position when the user drags the column's header in a few pixels. ( SortBarVisible property ) Oct 20, 2020
*Added: FormatABC method formats the A,B,C values based on the giving expression and returns the result. For instance, FormatABC("dpi") returns a numeric value that indicates the display settings ( aspect ratio ).
*Added: Expands or collapses the entire selection if the user clicks any +/- glitch, presses Left/Right/+ or- key inside the selection, while the CTRL is pressed. This option is valid, while the control's SingleSel property is False.
*Fixed: The Export method includes the visible items only, if any filter is applied to the control ( excludes the chk and sel options ).
*Fixed: The control's filter-bar caption does not update its counters, in case the FilterBarCaption property uses any of: itemcount, visibleitemcount, leafitemcount keywords. Aug 31, 2020
*NEW:   Ability to export the control's content to HTML format ( including CSS )
*Added: The Destination parameter of the Export method could be "htm" or "html" or a file with the extension "htm" or "html" indicates that the control's content is exported in HTML format. If the Destination parameter points to a valid file name, it will be created.
*Added: The Export method exports the control's content as ANSI, no matter of the control's configuration, unless the forth field of the Options parameter is not unicode. Shortly, you can export the control's content as UNICODE by calling a code like  Export Destination, "|||unicode"
*Added: Export(HTML,CSV) sample Jun 29, 2020
*Added: The Background(exPivotBarAddNew) property specifies the visual appearance for the add new button (plus) in the control's pivot bar. By default, the Background(exPivotBarAddNew) property is 0, which indicates that the default plus icon is being shown.
*Added: The Background(exPivotBarReload) property specifies the visual appearance for the reload button in the control's pivot bar.
*Added: The Background(exColumnsPositionSign) property specifies the visual appearance for the position sign between columns, when the user changes the position of the column by drag and drop. By default, the Background(exColumnsPositionSign) property is 0, which indicates that the default position sign is shown when the user change the column's position by drag and drop. May 04, 2020
*Added: Shows the drop down filter and tooltip panels to the nearest monitor relative to the cursor position.
*Added: HeaderAppearance property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the header's appearance.
*Added: Shows the hand cursor when the cursor hovers the drop down button of Total field, Column and New fields in the control's pivot bar.
*Fixed: Update the column's sort icon ( in the pivot bar ), so it won't be shown as distorted on DPI systems. Mar 11, 2020
*Added: The FilterBarCaption property supports the leafitemcount keyword that counts the number of leaf items being shown in the control. This function should be used when you are displaying hierarchies, else you can still uses itemcount or matchitemcount that are faster than leafitemcount function. For instance, FilterBarCaption property "allui + `<r>` + leafitemcount + ` item(s)`" displays all available UI filter columns, and aligned to the right the number of leaf items.
*Added: The Background(exFooterFilterBarButton) property on -1 hides permanently the close button of the control's filter bar.
*Fixed: Disables the default beep being played when the user presses the Enter, Escape or CTRL + F key on control's filter bar
*Fixed: Sometimes, can't select by drag items if the ColumnAutoResize property is False Jan 15, 2020
*Added: Shows the hand cursor when the cursor hovers the open-filter button of the column's header or close button of the control's filter bar
*Fixed: The drop down filter panel is closed as soon as it shows up, if it is displayed over the current cursor location
*Fixed: Corrects the shadow effect for drop down panels like filters, editors, tooltips,... on systems with DPI setting not-100%
*Fixed: Can't select the focus-item with the arrow keys, if it selectable while the view displays a single item and the SingleSel property is False. Nov 11, 2019
*Fixed: The user can't use the column's filter button being shown in the control's columns floating bar ( ColumnsFloatBarVisible property )
*Added: AllowSelectNothing property specifies whether the current selection is erased, once the user clicks outside of the items section. For instance, if the control's SingeSel property is True, and AllowSelectNothing property is True, you can un-select the single-selected item if pressing the CTRL + Space, or by CTRL + click.
*Added: SelectOnRelease property indicates whether the selection occurs when the user releases the mouse button. By default, the selection occurs, as soon as the user clicks an object. The SelectOnRelease property has no effect if the SingleSel property is False, and SelectByDrag property is True.
*Fixed: Hides the hot-tracking item as soon as control's content is scrolled ( rotating the mouse wheel for instance ), selection is changed ( any of arrow key is pressed for instance ). Aug 26, 2019
*NEW:   FilterBarCaption property supports expressions, and UI  Column's Filter
*Added: The FilterBarCaption property supports expressions, so its evaluated value defines the HTML caption to be displayed on the control's filter bar. By default, the FilterBarCaption property is empty, so the control's automatically computes the filter bar's label based on the filter of each column. If no filter is selected, no filter label is generated. The FilterBarCaption property supports the following predefined keywords: value or current ( defines the control's current filter label, as it is displayed ), itemcount keyword returns the number of all items within the control, visibleitemcount keyword indicates the number of visible items within the control ( negative value indicates that the control has a filter applied, equivalent with the Items.VisibleItemCount property ), matchitemcount keyword indicates the number of items that currently matches the control's filter ( negative value indicates that the control has a filter applied, equivalent with the Items.MatchItemCount property ), promptpattern keyword specifies the currently pattern for the filter's prompt ( this is eligible, if the FilterBarPromptVisible property includes the exFilterBarPromptVisible flag ), available keyword returns a list of columns that are currently not filtered, but available to be filtered for ( Column.DisplayFilterButton property on True ) as a HTML string, allui keyword returns a HTML caption that includes all columns with Column.DisplayFilterButton property on True, including the value for each column's filter if it is filtered, all keyword returns a HTML caption that includes all columns including the value for each column's filter if it is filtered. For instance, FilterBarCaption = "`<r>` + value" aligns the filter bar's label to the right, the "value replace `[` with `<fgcolor=808080>[` replace `]` with `]</fgcolor>`" shows the column's name with a different color, "`<b><r>` + value + `</b><fgcolor=808080>` + ( matchitemcount < 0 ? ( ( len(value) ? `<br>` : `` ) + `<r>` + abs(matchitemcount + 1) + ` result(s)` ) : ``)" displays the number of results in the control's filter bar and so on.
*Added: Ability to clear / select new filter value from the column's filter panel, if the user clicks the column's caption of the control's filter bar. The value, current, available, allui or all keyword of the FilterBarCaption property returns a HTML caption that includes the column's caption between [<b> and </b>] if the column is currently filtered ( shows as bold between brackets ), between <fgcolor=C0C0C0>[<s> and </s>]<fgcolor> if the column is not currently filtered ( shows in strikeout as gray between brackets ). The all, allui and available keywords uses the <fgcolor> </fgcolor> sequence (uncolored space) to separate the parts on the control's filter description. You can use predefined functions like replace to change the appearance of the column in the control's filter bar. For instance, "all replace `<s>` with `` replace `</s>` with ``" removes the strikeout effect for available and not-filtered columns, "allui replace `[<b>` with `<bgcolor=000000><fgcolor=FFFFFF><b> ` replace `</b>]` with ` </b></fgcolor></bgcolor>`" shows the filtered columns on white on a black background, "value + `<r>` + available replace `<fgcolor=C0C0C0>` with `<fgcolor=FF0000>`" shows the currently filter on the left, while the available filter on the right in red, 
*Added: The Items.MatchItemCount property retrieves the number of items that match the filter. If negative it indicates that a filter is applied, and its absolute value minus 1 specifies the count of items that match the filter criteria. If zero, no items are loaded into the control, and so no filter is applied. If positive, it indicates the total number of items within the control equivalent with the Items.ItemCount property. 
*Added: Items.VisibleItemCount property returns negative value, if the control has a filter applied. The negative value represents a formula of -( count + 1 ), where count indicates the number of matching items. For instance, if the Items.VisibleItemCount property returns -1, the count of matching items is 0, if -2, 1 matching item, if -3, 2 matching items, and so on. Jun 03, 2019
*NEW:   Radical Improvements for control's Filter-Prompt-Bar
*Added: The FilterBarPromptVisible property of FilterBarVisibleEnum type, specifies how the control's filter bar is displayed and behave. Previously, the FilterBarPromptVisible property was of Boolean type. By default, FilterBarPromptVisible property is exFilterBarHidden, so no filter bar is shown. Even so, the control's filter bar is shown as before, as soon as the user selects a value from the control's filter list, so a filter is applied. The FilterBarVisibleEnum type includes several flags that can be combined together, as described bellow.
*Added: The exFilterBarPromptVisible, exFilterBarVisible, exFilterBarCaptionVisible flag of FilterBarVisibleEnum type, forces the control's filter-prompt, filter bar or filter bar description ( even empty ) to be shown.
*Added: The exFilterBarSingleLine flag of FilterBarVisibleEnum type, specifies that the filter bar's caption is shown on a single line, so <br> HTML tag or \r\n are not handled. By default, the control's filter description applies word wrapping. Can be combined to exFilterBarCompact to display a single-line filter bar. 
*Added: The exFilterBarToggle flag of FilterBarVisibleEnum type, specifies that the user can close the control's filter bar ( removes the control's filter ) by clicking the close button of the filter bar or by pressing the CTRL + F, while the control's filter bar is visible. If no filter bar is displayed, the user can display the control's filter bar by pressing the CTRL + F key. While the control's filter bar is visible the user can navigate though the list or control's filter bar using the ALT + Up/Down keys.
*Added: The exFilterBarShowCloseIfRequired flag of FilterBarVisibleEnum type, indicates that the close button of the control's filter bar is displayed only if the control has any currently filter applied. The Background(exFooterFilterBarButton) property on -1 hides permanently the close button of the control's filter bar. 
*Added: The exFilterBarShowCloseOnRight flag of FilterBarVisibleEnum type, specifies that the close button of the control's filter bar should be displayed on the right side. If the control's RightToLeft property is True, the close button of the control's filter bar would be automatically displayed on the left side.
*Added: The exFilterBarCompact flag of FilterBarVisibleEnum type, compacts the control's filter bar, so the filter-prompt will be displayed to the left, while the control's filter bar caption will be displayed to the right. This flag has effect only if combined with the exFilterBarPromptVisible. This flag can be combined with the exFilterBarSingleLine flag, so all filter bar will be displayed compact and on a single line. Mar 20, 2019
*NEW:   Multiple improvements for expression-like properties
*Added: a `like` b binary-operator compares the string a against the pattern b. The pattern b may contain wild-characters such as *, ?, # or [] and can have multiple patterns separated by space character. In order to have the space, or any other wild-character inside the pattern, it has to be escaped, or in other words it should be preceded by a \ character. For instance "value like `F*e`" matches all strings that start with F and ends on e, or "value like `a* b*`? indicates any strings that start with a or b character.
*Added: The 0x or 0X sequence proceed the hexa-representation of a number, in properties that support expressions. For instance, "value = 0x100" specifies whether the value is 256 ( 0x100 in hexa-representation ) 
*Added: `hex` a unary-operator converts the giving string from hexa-representation to a numeric value, or converts the giving numeric value to hexa-representation. For instance, hex(`FF`) returns 255, while the hex(255) or hex(0xFF) returns the `FF` string. The hex(hex(`FFFFFFFF`)) always returns `FFFFFFFF` string, as the second hex call converts the giving string to a number, and the first hex call converts the returned number to string representation (hexa-representation). 
*Added: a `bitand`, `bitor`, `bitxor` b binary/bitwise-operator computes the AND/OR/XOR operation on bits of a and b, and returns the unsigned value. For instance, 0x01001000 bitand 0x10111000 returns 0x00001000, 0x01001000 bitor 0x10111000 returns 0x11111000, 0x01110010 bitxor 0x10101010 returns 0x11011000.
*Added: a `bitshift` b, binary/bitwise-operator shifts every bit of a value to the left if b is negative, or to the right if b is positive, for b times, and returns the unsigned value. For instance, 128 bitshift 1 returns 64 ( dividing by 2 ) or 128 bitshift (-1) returns 256 ( multiplying by 2 )
*Added: `bitnot` x unary/bitwise-operator flips every bit of x, and returns the unsigned value. For instance, bitnot(0x00FF0000) returns 0xFF00FFFF. Mar 06, 2019
*NEW:   Display a placeholder for missing icons, images in HTML captions.
*Added: The Key parameter of the HTMLPicture property is case insensitive, so you can display the picture using the insensitive key. For instance, <img>picA</img> is equivalent with <img>pica</img>, or <img>PICA</img> and so on.
*Added: The HTML caption shows a missing image placeholder for images whose source is missing. The missing placeholder displays the index of the icon being missing, or the key of the HTML picture being missing. 
*Added: Update the column's sort icon, so it won't be shown as distorted on DPI systems. Jan 07, 2019
*Added: The Version property includes the SpecialBuild number of the assembly so it provides information like Major.Minor.Build.Revison.SpecialBuild.Type...
*Added: Draws the non-items area with the BackColorAlternate property only if the first two bytes in the color is not 0x7F
*Fixed: Prevents "Do you want to save ..." / "Save changes...' input box, when the user opens the form in design mode, and close it.
*Added: Miscellaneous changes for control's scrollbar-extension such as: contiguously scrolls the control's content line by line, or page by page ( if CTRL is pressed ) while the user keeps clicking the up/left top/right side of the thumb-extension, closes the scrollbar-extension as soon as the user presses ALT + F4, ALT + TAB, shows the scrollbar-extension only if effective mouse movement occurs, hides the scrollbar-extension as soon as the owner control loses the focus Oct 24, 2018
*NEW:   Reduce the base-memory usage
*Added: Statistics property, gives statistics information about objects being hold by the control.
*Added: Allows exporting data of hidden columns, when its index is specified in the second field of the Options parameter of the Export method. For instance, Export("","all|1") exports the second column ( column with the index 1, 0 based ), no matter if it is hidden or visible.
*Added: The items in the drop down filter panel, gets sorts as string, numeric, date/time, based on the Column.SortType property. Oct 15, 2018
*Added: "Clear Visual Design" and "Edit Visual Design" are available for /NET version on design mode.
*Fixed: Prevents a memory leak when loading icons, pictures, from BASE64 encoded strings (Images method, HTMLPicture picture).
*Fixed: A GPF occurs if the application is started from design mode ( demo / evaluation / trial version only ) Aug 20, 2018
*Added: The FormatPivotHeader property supports "display" keyword which indicates 0 when caption is shown on the control's pivot bar, and 1 if the caption is displayed on the columns header.
*Fixed: The Total rows are not displayed, if the PivotBarVisible property includes the exPivotBarReadOnly flag ( Read-Only )
*Fixed: Click and wait the locked area of the control starts scrolling up or down the control, while SingleSel property is false
*Fixed: Click and drag or double click the empty area of the control, while SingleSel property is false, select the last item May 28, 2018
*NEW:   Expand and Collapse Pivot Fields support
*Added: The exBranchIncludeAggregate flag of the ShowBranchRows property, includes the aggregate result for all rows in the pivot, including parent rows
*Added: DataColumnFromPoint(-1,-1) returns the index of the data column from the cursor / point. The DataColumnFromPoint(-1,-1) returns -1 when the cursor is outside of the list/header part of the control, and gets the index of the data column, from the current cursor position.
*Added: Includes the Total / Locked-Items fields to Export method Mar 19, 2018
*NEW:   Ability to export values on multiple lines, by quoting them, when Export method is performed
*Added: The Export method could save the control's content in ANSI or UNICODE format, based on the forth parameter of the Options argument. For instance, Export( Destination,"|||ansi") saves the control's content to destination in ANSI format. If the forth parameter is missing, the configuration of the control specifies how the Export saves the data, such as  the ANSI version of the control will save as ANSI, and the UNICODE configuration as UNICODE format. If the control's Version property includes the UNICODE suffix, it indicates that the control is UNICODE, else it is ANSI. 
*Added: Quotes text when using the Export method, if content includes any of "\r\n or delimiter character
*Fixed: The Export method exports the hidden columns in the header section Feb 21, 2018
*NEW:   Support for EBN 1003 version.
*Added: EBN 1003 implements Colorable Region Support which defines a portion/region of the EBN object where the color of the EBN is applied. For instance, at runtime the identifier 0x1FF0000 applies blue color to all colorable parts that compose the EBN object. The EBN color is not applied to not-colorable portions of the EBNs.
*Added: The Handle parameter of Images method can be a string that specifies the ICO file to be loaded. The ICO file format is an image file format for computer icons in Microsoft Windows. ICO files contain one or more small images at multiple sizes and color depths, such that they may be scaled appropriately. For instance, Images("e:\working\sync.ico") method  adds the sync.ico file to the control's Images collection. Jan 10, 2018
*Added: DPI-Aware Support
*NEW:   Support for EBN 1004 version ( DPI-Aware support ).
*Added: The exClientExt attribute of the EBN/BackgroundExt/BackgroundExtValue supports DPI values, if the number is followed by a D character. For instance, if the DPI scaling is 100%, the 16d is 16, while for a 150% DPI scaling, the 16d is 24. In other words, "top[4,back=RGB(0,0,255)]", draws a blue line on the top side of the object's background, of 4-pixels wide, no matter of DPI scaling, while "top[4D,back=RGB(0,0,255)]", draws the line of 4-pixels wide if DPI scaling is 100%, or 6-pixels wide if DPI scaling is 150% )
*Added: The coordinates of the CP clause of the Skin parameter of VisualAppearance.Add method can be followed by a D character, which indicates the value according to the current DPI settings. For instance, "CP:1 -2 -2 2 2", copies the EBN with the identifier 1, and displays it on a 2-pixels wider rectangle no matter of the DPI settings, while "CP:1 -2D -2D 2D 2D" displays it on a 2-pixels wider rectangle if DPI settings is 100%, and on on a 3-pixels wider rectangle if DPI settings is 150%.
*Added: The expression properties support `dpi`, `dpix` and `dpiy` constants that returns the current DPI setting on x/y scale. For instance, the "value * dpi" returns the value if the DPI setting is 100%, or value * 1.5 in case, the DPI setting is 150% Nov 13, 2017
*Added: `MIN` and `MAX` binary-operators to get the MIN and MAX value. For instance, the expression `value MIN 10 MAX 100` returns always a value between 10 and 100.
*Added: `sin`, `asin`, `cos`, `acos` unary-operators to get the associated trigonometric functions. For instance `2 * asin(1)` returns the value of PI
*Added: `sqrt` unary-operator returns the square root of the element, so sqrt(81) returns 9, as 9^2 is 81
*Added: date(`now`) unary-operator returns the current date-time ( as double ), while the date(``) returns the current date ( no time included ) Sep 11, 2017
*NEW:   PDF (Portable Document Format) Support, or ability to export directly the control's content to a PDF file
*Added: The CopyTo property copies the control's content to PDF format, if the extension of the File argument indicates a pdf extension. For instance, the CopyTo("c:\temp\snapshot.pdf") property saves the control's content in PDF format to snapshot.pdf. The control's content is serialized as it would have no scroll bars. The File argument could indicates more parameters separated by | character, in the following order: filename.pdf | paper size | margins | options where the filename indicates the name of the pdf to be saved, the paper size indicates the size of the paper to be used ( by default A4 paper, 8.27 in x 11.69 in ), margins defines the paper's margins ( by default, 0.5 in 0.5 in 0.5 in 0.5 in ) and options currently can be single which indicates that whole control is saved to a single paged PDF document. For instance, the CopyTo("c:\temp\snapshot.pdf|||single") exports the control's content to single page.
*Added: Improves the performance to load data into the control. Aug 02, 2017
*NEW:   BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, EMF Support (  Ability to save the control's content to BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, EMF formats )
*Added: The CopyTo property copies the control's content to BMP, PNG, JPG, TIF or GIF format. Previously, the CopyTo property can save the control's content to EMF format only. The extension of the File argument indicates the graphical format to be saved. For instance, the CopyTo("c:\temp\snapshot.png") property saves the control's content in PNG format to snapshot.png. If File parameter provides an unknown extension, the control's content is saved in EMF format ( Enhanced Metafile Format ). The control's content is serialized as it would have no scroll bars.
*Added: The exPivotBarReadOnly flag specifies that no change is allowed on pivot bar, so no column/total field can be dropped into the pivot bar ( Read-Only support ) May 17, 2017
*Added: Applies the Column.DefaultFormatContent property, when the control displays original data ( not only when displaying aggregate functions )
*Added: Applies the Column.DefaultFormatAppearances property, when the control displays original data ( not only when displaying aggregate functions )
*Added: Double-Clicking the separator between columns, makes the column to resize it, so its content is fully visible
*Fixed: Prevents showing the control's view in design mode, while running on FORTH system ( /COM version ) Apr 19, 2017
*NEW:   Ability to change the control's content menu visual appearance using EBN objects
*Added: Background(exContextMenuSelBackColor) property specifies the solid/EBN selection's background color in the control's context menu. The Background(exContextMenuSelBackColor) is valid while it is not zero.
*Added: Background(exContextMenuSelBorderColor) property specifies the solid color to show the selection in the control's context menu. The Background(exContextMenuSelBorderColor) is valid while it is not zero.
*Added: Background(exContextMenuSelForeColor) property specifies the selection's text foreground color in the control's context menu. The Background(exContextMenuSelForeColor) is valid while it is not zero.
*Added: Background(exContextMenuBackColor) property specifies the solid background color for the control's context menu. The Background(exContextMenuBackColor) is valid while it is not zero.
*Added: Background(exContextMenuForeColor) property specifies the text foreground color for the control's context menu. The Background(exContextMenuForeColor) is valid while it is not zero. Mar 08, 2017
*NEW:   Support for EBN 1003 version.
*Added: EBN 1003 implements Colorable Region Support which defines a portion/region of the EBN object where the color of the EBN is applied. For instance, at runtime the identifier 0x1FF0000 applies blue color to all colorable parts that compose the EBN object. The EBN color is not applied to not-colorable portions of the EBNs.
*Added: FormatConditionalAppearance.ContextEditExpression indicates whether the item of the current conditional-format object in the control's content menu displays/edits the conditional expression, at runtime.
*Fixed: Applies content/appearance/conditional appearance of the first column, even if selecting second, third, ... columns when ShowViewCompact property is exViewCompact Feb 06, 2017
*NEW:   Conditional-Format Support, or ability to highlight values in the pivot giving an expression ( for instance, you can apply a foreground color for positive values only )
*Added: FormatConditionalAppearances property retrieves a collection of FormatConditionalAppearance object, that holds information about expression and font/colors to be applied on matching values.
*Added: FormatConditionalAppearance.Expression property specifies the expression that determines the value to apply the format. For instance, "value > 0" indicates all positive values in the pivot data.
*Added: PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowFormatConditionalAppearance type specifies whether the Conditonal context menu is shown when user right-clicks the pivot data. ( PivotBarVisible property ) Dec 26, 2016
*Added: lfind binary-operator for format/expression. The a lfind b searches the first occurrence of the string b within string a, and returns -1 if not found, or the position of the result ( zero-index ). For instance, `ABCABC` lfind `D` returns -1, while  `ABCABC` lfind `C` returns 2.
*Added: rfind binary-operator for format/expression. The a rfind b searches the last occurrence of the string b within string a, and returns -1 if not found, or the position of the result ( zero-index ). For instance, `ABCABC` rfind `D` returns -1, while  `ABCABC` rfind `C` returns 5.
*Added: reverse unary-operator for format/expression. The reverse(a) reverses the order of the characters in the string a, For instance, the reverse("Mihai") returns "iahiM"
*Fixed: The DataColumn.SortType property has no effect if changing it after the Import / DataSource call. Nov 02, 2016
*Added: Description property changes descriptions for control objects.
*Added: Prevents showing the ,.;!?'")}] characters at the beginning of a new line, when html text is word-wrapping.
*Fixed: The last italic character of a HTML caption may be shown as clipped
*Fixed: The Copy/CopyTo method does not shows the grouped/expandable columns. Sep 12, 2016
*Added: PivotTotalDefaultFormatContent property specifies the default format (key of FormatContent object) to be applied on the Total field when it is displayed in the pivot-table. For instance, PivotTotalDefaultFormatContent property on "numeric" specifies that the Total displays it's data in numeric-format.
*Added: PivotTotalDefaultFormatAppearances property specifies the list of format-appearances ( key of FormatAppearance object), separated by comma, to be applied on the Total field when it is displayed in the pivot-table. For instance, PivotTableDefaultFormatAppearances property on "bold,italic" specifies that the Total field is displayed in bold and italic
*Added: Column.DefaultFormatContent property specifies the default format (key of FormatContent object) to be applied on the column when it is displayed in the pivot-table. For instance, Column.DefaultFormatContent property on "numeric" specifies that the column is displayed in numeric-format.
*Added: Column.DefaultFormatAppearances property specifies the list of format-appearances ( key of FormatAppearance object), separated by comma, to be applied on the column when it is displayed in the pivot-table. For instance, Column.DefaultFormatAppearances property on "bold,italic" specifies that the column is displayed in bold and italic. Jul 29, 2016
*NEW:   Exontrol Print Scale Support, Adjust To and Fit to Page Wide by Tall Support
*Added: Print.Options = "FitToPage = 75%", adjusts and prints the control's content to 75% of normal size.
*Added: Print.Options = "FitToPage = 2 x 3", indicates that the control's content is print to fit 2 pages wide by 3 tall.
*Added: Print.Options = "FitToPage = 2 x", indicates that the control's content is print to fit 2 pages wide by how many pages tall are required.
*Added: Print.Options = "FitToPage = x 3", indicates that the control's content is print to fit 3 pages tall to how many pages wide are required. May 23, 2016
*NEW:   Ability to retrieve data/value from the cursor
*Added: ValueFromPoint(-1,-1) retrieves the value from the cursor.
*Added: ColumnFromPoint(-1,-1) returns the column from the cursor.
*Fixed: Prevents horizontal scrolling the control's content if the EnsureVisibleColumn is called for any locked column ( CountLockedColumns property ).
*Fixed: Prevents horizontal scrolling the control's content if the user clicks a locked column ( CountLockedColumns property ). Apr 06, 2016
*NEW:   Ability to import/load/handle/display built-HTML within the columns
*Added: The Column.HTML property indicates whether the column handles/displays built-in HTML format.
*Added: The Version property for /NET or /WPF version returns more information about the component/assembly/file.
*Fixed: The control selects items to the cursor, if a short click occurs ( AutoDrag property is not empty, and the SingleSel property is False ) Jan 20, 2016
*NEW:   Windows 8 Touch/Pointer Support ( ability to scroll the control's content by touching and dragging )
*Added: AutoDrag property can specify distinct actions for left/right mouse buttons and short/long touch actions. For instance, AutoDrag property on exAutoDragScroll + exAutoDragScrollOnShortTouch indicates that the user can scroll the control's content by clicking the left mouse button, or by short touching the screen.
*Fixed: Can't scroll the control if touching with fingers the buttons of the scroll bar.
*Fixed: The Options parameter of the Import method does not takes the correct value for eor field. Nov 25, 2015
*Added: DisplayPivotRows property specifies the maximum number of rows that can be generated in the control's list
*Fixed: Can't drop the data as text to Microsoft Word application, if the HeaderVisible property is False ( AutoDrag property is exAutoDragCopyText )
*Fixed: A Click event occurs right after DblClick event.
*Fixed: The controls hangs up for a while if the user clicks contiguously any button on the control's scroll bars.
*Fixed: The control's scroll bar is not updated while clicking contiguously any button on the control's scroll bars. Sep 30, 2015
*NEW:   Memory Management Improvements
*Added: IncludeExpandColumn property specifies whether the column itself is displayed in the list (header/chart), while it expanded ( the column contains child columns ).
*Fixed: Reduces the memory usage when importing/loading the data into the control ( 40 - 60% )
*Fixed: Memory-leaks when the data is loaded several times. Sep 14, 2015
*NEW:   Sorting and Incremental-Seach for control's Columns Floating Panel and Context Menu.
*Added: PivotColumnsSortOrder property specifies the order to display the columns on the Columns Floating Panel ( PivotColumnsFloatBarVisible property ). For instance, PivotColumnsSortOrder property on exPivotColumnsAscending, makes the columns floating panel to display the columns alphabetically in ascending order.
*Added: The exPivotBarContextSortAscending flag in control's PivotBarVisible property indicates that the Context Menu of the control's pivot bar displays the columns alphabetically in ascending order.
*Added: The exPivotBarContextSortReverse flag in control's PivotBarVisible property indicates that the Context Menu of the control's pivot bar displays the columns in reverse order. The combination of exPivotBarContextSortAscending and exPivotBarContextSortReverse makes the Context Menu of the control's pivot bar to display the columns alphabetically in descending order ( exPivotBarContextSortDescending ). June 10, 2015 
*NEW:   Ability to specify un-grouping columns.
*Added: DataColumn.AllowGroupBy property specifies whether the user can group by this column. For instance, AllowGroupBy property on exGroupByNone, indicates that the column can not be dropped on the control's pivot bar, or in other words you can not group by this column, using drag and drop or using the pivot's bar context menu.
*Added: Select an available aggregate function/column when dropping a column that generates value-columns in the view.
*Fixed: The control fails if the user un-check all columns from the pivot bar, in the columns header section Apr 22, 2015
*NEW:   Ability to horizontally/vertically scroll the control's content while the AutoDrag property is exAutoDragScroll (touch screen scrolling)
*Fixed: Updates the vertical/horizontal scrolling position while the user is scrolling the control's content using the AutoDrag property on exAutoDragScroll
*Fixed: "Visual C++ Runtime Error!" occurs if using the <fgcolor> or <bgcolor> with no indicating the color. Correct is <fgcolor RRGGBB>, instead <fgcolor>
*Fixed: Ignores the HTML tags from the column's caption when the incremental searching is performed on the Columns Floating Panel ( PivotColumnsFloatBarVisible property ). Feb 16, 2015
*NEW:   Windows 8.1 64-bit compatibility
*Added: The /COM 64-bit version is compatible with Microsoft Office Applications: Excel 2013, Access 2013,...
*Added: The /NET(/WPF) 64-bit version is compatible with Microsoft NET Framework 4, 4.5, 4.5.1, ...
*Added: AllowDrop property gets or sets a value indicating whether the control can be used as the target of a drag-and-drop operation. ( /COM version )
*Fixed: The Export method exports the first value in the column ( ShowBranchRows property on exBranchCompact, or ShowViewCompact on exViewCompact ) Dec 22, 2014

*NEW:   Incremental Search and Filter Support for the drop down filter panel. The Incremental search/filter feature for the drop down filter panel is valid while the Filter For field is not displayed. For instance, if the drop down filter list displays hundreds of items, you can start typing and it includes just the items that match your typing characters.
*Added: FilterListEnum.exHideFilterPattern flag hides the Filter For: field in the drop down filter panel. If DisplayFilterList property includes the FilterListEnum.exHideFilterPattern flag no Filter For field is shown, and the incremental search/filter is allowed on the drop down filter window. As soon as you type, the drop down list includes the items that match the typed characters.
*Fixed: Sometimes, the insensitive-case filter does not apply correctly to items that contain accented letters ( French Accents Characters ) like:       , ... ( /COM Ansi version only )
*Fixed: Prevents dropping the data when to current pivot table, if the source is the pivot table itself ( AutoDrag property is exAutoDragCopyText ) Nov 26, 2014
*Added: The Export method includes expandable columns too
*Fixed: The Export method does not add empty cells at the beginning of the line.
*Added: Includes the expandable columns to dragging data if using the AutoDrag property on exAutoDragCopyText Oct 01, 2014
*NEW:   Selects the Columns to be shown on the aggregate's context menu based on the Column.SortType property. For instance, if SUM aggregate function is selected, the Columns sub-menu shows the numeric columns only ( SortType property is SortNumeric ). Also, if the AVG aggregate function is checked, the Columns popup displays all numeric, date or date-time columns.
*NEW:   Ability to filter the columns in the Columns float-bar, as soon as you start typing ( incremental filtering ).
*Added: The AutoDrag property drags the child items of dragging item, if the item is expanded and there is no other selected item ( none or one selected item ). If multiple items are selected and dragged, no child items are included in the dragging operation
*Fixed: No TAB character is included between empty cells, when data is dragged using the AutoDrag property on exAutoDragCopyText. Jun 04, 2014
*NEW:   Support for EBN 1002 version.
*Added: The EBN 1002 allows using skin objects with horizontal, vertical stretch and colorable/not-colorable parts of the EBNs.
*Added: Includes the expandable columns to dragging data if using the AutoDrag property on exAutoDragCopyText 
*Fixed: Sometimes, the Column.SortOrder is not applied to a new column on the control's header, if selecting from the context menu. Apr 16, 2014
*Added: The Options parameter of Import method can be "reverse", which has effect for two-dimensional safe arrays only (Source parameter), and it specifies that the first dimension indicates the rows, while the second indicates the columns. By default, the first dimension indicates the columns, and the second the rows
*Fixed: The sorting order of the items in the drop down filter panel, is not keep, for pivot columns in the Rows section of the pivot bar, if the pivot column has been drop as unsorted in the Rows section.
*Fixed: The font decorations like <sha>, <out> and so on are not copied when the ShowViewCompact property is exViewCompact Mar 10, 2014
*NEW:   Ability to compact the aggregate functions.
*Added: ShowViewCompactEnum.exViewCompactAggregates flag, compacts the aggregate functions displayed in the data section . For instance, ShowViewCompact = (exViewCompact Or exViewCompactAggregates) makes the view to merge multiple aggregate functions to the same column, and sub-aggregate functions to be displayed on the branch row rather than child of the branch rows.
*Added: The Reset method syntax changes from Reset() to Reset(IncludeMask,ExcludeMask) where the IncludeMask parameter specifies the pattern of properties to be reset, and ExcludeMask parameter specifies the pattern of properties to be un-reset.
*Added: Column.SortOrder property specifies the sorting order of the pivot column when it is dropped to the control's pivot bar. In other words, you can specify the default sorting order when a pivot column is dropped on the control's pivot bar. Jan 08, 2014
*Added: SelectAll method selects all rows in the data section of the control ( Has effect only if the SingleSel property is False ).
*Added: UnselectAll method unselects all rows in the data section of the control ( Has effect only if the SingleSel property is False ).
*Fixed: Copy the sorting order of the pivot column being dragged to a group by pivot bar ( Columns section )
*Fixed: The window's list view settings ( sorting, filtering, position of the columns ) are not reset once the user calls the Reset method of the control. Dec 04, 2013
*NEW:   Ability to keep the filter/sort settings for all neighbor columns, when the control's ShowViewCompact property is exViewCompact
*Added: LayoutChangingEnum.exPivotDataColumnSort constant. The LayoutStartChanging(LayoutChangingEnum.exPivotDataColumnSort) event notifies the application once the user is about to sort the pivot column ( click and sort the pivot column in the control's pivot bar ). The LayoutEndChanging(LayoutChangingEnum.exPivotDataColumnSort) event occurs once the control sorts the pivot's column.  
*Added: LayoutChangingEnum.exPivotDataColumnFilterChange constant. The LayoutStartChanging(LayoutChangingEnum.exPivotDataColumnFilterChange) event notifies the application once the user clicks the pivot column's drop down filter bar. The LayoutEndChanging(LayoutChangingEnum.exPivotDataColumnFilterChange) event occurs once the control filters the pivot's column. 
*Added: ShowViewCompactEnum.exViewCompactKeepSettings flag, applies the same filter and sort settings to all neighbor pivot columns, while columns are shown as compacted ( multiple aggregate functions in the same column ). For instance, ShowViewCompact = (exViewCompact Or exViewCompactKeepSettings) makes the view to merge multiple aggregate functions to the same column, and the same filter/sorting option is applied to all neighbor columns. Oct 09, 2013
*NEW:   Ability to load data from safe arrays of one or two dimensions
*Added: The Source parameter of the Import method may indicate a safe array of data to load. The safe array must be with 1 or 2 dimensions, else an error occurs. If the Source parameter refers a one-dimensional array, the content of the array indicates the values of the rows. If the Source parameter refers a two-dimensional array, the first dimension indicates the columns, while the second indicates the rows. For instance, in VB6 you can load data to the control using the syntax Pivot1.Import Array(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4)
*Fixed: MS Access plays a beep, when the user presses the Backspace key while the control has the focus.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the CTRL+F4 key to close the current form. Sep 02, 2013
*NEW:   Ability to show multiple aggregates values in the same cell.
*Added: ShowViewCompact property indicates whether the view compacts the data being displayed.
*Added: Ability to copy the aggregate function/column ( including the group by columns) by drag and drop, using the CTRL key down.
*Added: The HTML tags are case insensitive, so the < b > is equivalent with < B > Aug 07, 2103
*NEW:   Ability to filter the group-by rows, from defining the layout
*Added: The control's pivot bar displays a plus sign to allow selecting the columns to be added to the layout, while the PivotBarVisible property does not include the exPivotBarHideAddNew flag.
*Fixed: The data is wrong grouped if the first group by row contains empty fields. June 17, 2013
*NEW:   Ability to group the columns section too, not only the rows section
*Added: DisplayPivotFields property retrieves or sets the maximum number of columns to be displayed on the control's list.
*Fixed: The tooltip of the element from the cursor, may not be visible, if a new appearance is applied to any column, using the control's UI context menu. 
*Fixed: Sometimes, the Layout property does not save / restore the control's filtering options. Apr 29, 2013
*NEW:   Ability to group the data using the Add New button, being shown on the pivot bar.
*Added: PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarHideAddNew prevents showing the add new buttons in the pivot bar
*Fixed: The control fails if calling the Unload Me ( closing the form/dialog/window that hosts the component  ) during a control's event of the /COM control.
*Fixed: The parts with different fonts in the HTML caption are vertically aligned ( instead aligning to the font's baseline ) if the line displays a picture or an icon using the <img> HTML tag. Mar 11, 2013
*NEW:   Subscript and Superscript implementation in HTML captions, using the <off> HTML tag
*Added: <off>, </off> built-in HTML tags defines the vertical offset to display the elemenet, relative to the current position. This tag is inheritable. The <off pixels>, where, pixels indicates the vertical offset to be applied ). For instance, the following text displays a text with Subscript and Superscript such as: "Text <off 4>with subscript</off> <off -4>and superscript</off> support"
*Added: The <fgcolor=0000FF> and <fgcolor FF>, or <bgcolor=00FF00> and <bgcolor FF00>, so no = or full 6 hexa-digits are required to define the color to be applied
*Fixed: The <font> HTML tag is not overwritten when using inside another <font> tag Feb 06, 2013
*NEW:   Ability to show the data that generated the cell by double clicks the result.
*Added: ShowDataOnDblClick property specifies whether the user shows the original data that generated the result when user double clicks a cell. 
*Added: The parent of the value columns shows the aggregate function to be used for all elements on an upper level.
*Added: Shows more data when user double clicks the ... continual row, if the DisplayPivotData property is positive, else the ... are not displayed. Jan 03, 2013
* Initial Release