Name | Value | Description | |||
exFilterBarAll | 0 | Defines the caption of (All) in the filter bar window. If the Description(exFilterBarAll) property is empty, the (All) predefined item is not shown in the drop down filter window. | |||
exFilterBarBlanks | 1 | Defines the caption of (Blanks) in the filter bar window. If the Description(exFilterBarBlanks) property is empty, the (Blanks) predefined item is not shown in the drop down filter window. | |||
exFilterBarNonBlanks | 2 | Defines the caption of (NonBlanks) in the filter bar window. If the Description(exFilterBarNonBlanks) property is empty, the (NonBlanks) predefined item is not shown in the drop down filter window. | |||
exFilterBarFilterForCaption | 3 | Defines the caption of "Filter For:" in the filter bar window. | |||
exFilterBarFilterTitle | 4 | Defines the title for the filter tooltip. | |||
exFilterBarPatternFilterTitle | 5 | Defines the title for the filter pattern tooltip. | |||
exFilterBarTooltip | 6 | Defines the tooltip for filter window. | |||
exFilterBarPatternTooltip | 7 | Defines the tooltip for filter pattern window | |||
exFilterBarFilterForTooltip | 8 | Defines the tooltip for "Filter For:" window | |||
exFilterBarIsBlank | 9 | Defines the caption of the function 'IsBlank' in the control's filter bar. | |||
exFilterBarIsNonBlank | 10 | Defines the caption of the function 'not IsBlank' in the control's filter bar. | |||
exFilterBarAnd | 11 | Customizes the ' and ' text in the control's filter bar when multiple columns are used to filter the items in the control. | |||
exFilterBarDate | 12 | Specifies the "Date:" caption being displayed in the drop down filter window when DisplayFilterPattern property is True, and DisplayFilterDate property is True. | |||
exFilterBarDateTo | 13 | Specifies the "to" sequence being used to split the from date and to date in the Date field of the drop down filter window. For instance, the "to 12/13/2004" specifies the items before 12/13/2004, "12/23/2004 to 12/24/2004" filters the items between 12/23/2004 and 12/24/2004, or "Feb 12 2004 to" specifies all items after a date. | |||
exFilterBarDateTooltip | 14 | Describes the tooltip that shows up when cursor is over the Date field. "You can filter the items into a given interval of dates. For instance, you can filter all items dated before a specified date ( to 2/13/2004 ), or all items dated after a date ( Feb 13 2004 to ) or all items that are in a given interval ( 2/13/2004 to 2/13/2005 )." | |||
exFilterBarDateTitle | 15 | Describes the title of the tooltip that shows up when the cursor is over the Date field. By default, the exFilterBarDateTitle is "Date". | |||
exFilterBarDateTodayCaption | 16 | Specifies the caption for the 'Today' button in a date filter window. By default, the exFilterBarDateTodayCaption property is "Today". | |||
exFilterBarDateMonths | 17 | Specifies the name for months to be displayed in a date filter window. The list of months should be delimitated by space characters. By default, the exFilterBarDateMonths is "January February March April May June July August September October November December". | |||
exFilterBarDateWeekDays | 18 | Specifies the shortcut for the weekdays to be displayed in a date filter window. The list of shortcut for the weekdays should be separated by space characters. By default, the exFilterBarDateWeekDays is "S M T W T F S". The first shortcut in the list indicates the shortcut for the Sunday, the second shortcut indicates the shortcut for Monday, and so on. | |||
exFilterBarChecked | 19 | Defines the caption of (Checked) in the filter bar window. The exFilterBarChecked option is displayed only if the FilterType property is exCheck. If the Description(exFilterBarChecked) property is empty, the (Checked) predefined item is not shown in the drop down filter window. If the user selects the (Checked) item the control filter checked items. The CellState property indicates the state of the cell's checkbox. | |||
exFilterBarUnchecked | 20 | Defines the caption of (Unchecked) in the filter bar window. The exFilterBarUnchecked option is displayed only if the FilterType property is exCheck. If the Description(exFilterBarUnchecked) property is empty, the (Unchecked) predefined item is not shown in the drop down filter window. If the user selects the (Unchecked) item the control filter unchecked items. The CellState property indicates the state of the cell's checkbox. | |||
exFilterBarIsChecked | 21 | Defines the caption of the 'IsChecked' function in the control's filter bar. The 'IsChecked' function may appear only if the user selects (Checked) item in the drop down filter window, when the FilterType property is exCheck | |||
exFilterBarIsUnchecked | 22 | Defines the caption of the 'not IsChecked' function in the control's filter bar. The 'not IsChecked' function may appear only if the user selects (Unchecked) item in the drop down filter window, when the FilterType property is exCheck | |||
exFilterBarOr | 23 | Customizes the 'or' operator in the control's filter bar when multiple columns are used to filter the items in the control. | |||
exFilterBarNot | 24 | Customizes the 'not' operator in the control's filter bar. | |||
exFilterBarExclude | 25 | Specifies the 'Exclude' caption being displayed in the drop down filter. The Exclude option is displayed in the drop down filter window only if the FilterList property includes the exShowExlcude flag. | |||
exColumnsFloatBar | 26 | Specifies the caption to be shown on control's Columns float bar. |