MsgBox object
Tip The /COM object can be placed on a HTML page (with usage of the HTML object tag:  <object classid="clsid:...">)  using the class identifier: {6BBB0912-B723-4B47-A806-B529336D81B9}. The object's program identifier is: "Exontrol.MsgBox". The /COM object module is: "ExSkinBox.dll"
The MsgBox object provides message and input boxes. Use the Load method to assign a new skin for your message boxes. The Out method to displays a message in a dialog box, waits for the user to click a button, and then returns an integer indicating which button the user clicked. The Input property displays a prompt in a dialog box, waits for the user to input text or click a button, and then returns a string containing the contents of the text box. 

AutoCloseSpecifies the time in seconds to automatically close the message box.
ButtonSpecifies the caption for the specified button.
EBNhWNDSpecifies the handle of the eXButton's control that controls the visual appearance for the message box's buttons.
FitTitleSpecifies whether the MessageBox or InputBox ensures that its title/caption fits the dialog's title.
FitToScreenSpecifies whether the MessageBox or InputBox ensures that it fits the screen ( current monitor ).
FontRetrieves or sets the control's font.
FormatAnchorSpecifies the visual effect for anchor elements in HTML captions.
HTMLPictureAdds or replaces a picture in HTML captions.
ImageSpecifies the image being displayed for a specified style.
ImagesSets at runtime the control's image list. The Handle should be a handle to an Images List Control.
ImageSizeRetrieves or sets the size of icons the control displays..
InputDisplays a prompt in a dialog box, waits for the user to input text or click a button, and then returns a string containing the contents of the text box.
LoadLoads a skin file to be used.
MinHeightSpecifies the minimum height of the message box.
MinWidthSpecifies the minimum width of the message box.
OutDisplays a message in a dialog box, waits for the user to click a button, and then returns an integer indicating which button the user clicked.
ReplaceIconAdds a new icon, replaces an icon or clears the control's image list.
VersionRetrieves the control's version.