property ExShellView.BrowseFolder as Variant
Retrieves or sets the browsed folder using a path, a special folder constant or another Folder object.

Variant A reference to the folder object that is currently browsed.

The BrowseFolder property can be used to specify a different folder to be browsed or can be used to link controls as: ExShellView, ExFolderView, ExFileView and so on. Use the CurrentFolder property to specify the current/browsed folder giving the path as string.  BrowseFolder property holds a reference to the ExShellFolder object being browsed, which keeps information about the current folder name, path and so on. The BrowseFolder property is automatically updated as soon as the user browses for a new folder. For instance, double click a folder. The BrowseFolder does not return the selected shell objects, instead use the Objects property as shown bellow. Use the ShellFolder or SpecialFolder properties to create ExShellFolder objects based on path, identifier. The ViewMode property specifies the current's view mode. The Objects.Get(SelectedItems) property to get a collection of selected files/folders. The BrowseFolderChange event notifies your application once the user changes the current folder. 

Use the BrowseFiles property to display files from different folders in the same view.

For instance, the following VB sample browses the c:\temp folder:
With ExShellView1
    .BrowseFolder = .ShellFolder("c:\temp")
End With

of the following VB sample browses the Control Panel objects:

With ExShellView1
    .BrowseFolder = .SpecialFolder(ControlPanel)
End With

The following sample VB sample displays the path of the selected shell object ( file or folder ) ( single selected object ):

With ExShellView1
    .Objects.Get SelectedItems
    With .Objects
        If .Count > 0 Then
            Debug.Print .Item(0).Path
        End If
    End With
End With

The following sample VB sample displays the path for all selected shell objects ( file or folder ) ( multiple selected objects ):

Dim i As Long
With ExShellView1
    .Objects.Get SelectedItems
    With .Objects
        For i = 0 To .Count - 1
            Debug.Print .Item(i).Path
    End With
End With