constants ScrollEnum
The ScrollEnum type specifies the actions that Scroll method can perform.

exScrollLeft0 Scrolls left/up by one unit. ( SmallChange property indicates the unit ). Simulates a single click in the control's left/up button.
exScrollRight1 Scrolls right by one unit. ( SmallChange property indicates the unit ). Simulates a single click in the control's right/down button.
exScrollPageLeft2 Scrolls left/up by one page. ( LargeChange property indicates the page ). Simulates a single click in the control's exLowerBackPart part.
exScrollPageRight3 Scrolls right/down by one page. ( LargeChange property indicates the page ). Simulates a single click in the control's exUpperBackPart part.
exScrollToPosition4 Scrolls the control to specified position. Simulates click the thumb and drags to a new position.