property Rollist.Item (Index as Variant) as Item
Returns a specific Item from the collection.

Index as Variant A long expression that indicates the index of item being accessed.
Item An Item object being retrieved.

Use the Item property to access to the items of the control. Use the Count property to get the number of items in the control. Use the VisibleItems property to get the number of visible items.

The following sample enumerates the items in the control, using for Item property:

Dim i As Long
    With Rollist1
        For i = 0 To .Count - 1
            With .Item(i)
                Debug.Print .Caption
            End With
End With

The following sample enumerates the items in the control, using for each statement:

Dim i As EXROLLISTLibCtl.Item
    For Each i In Rollist1
        Debug.Print i.Caption