PopupMenu object
Tip The /COM object can be placed on a HTML page (with usage of the HTML object tag:  <object classid="clsid:...">)  using the class identifier: {462D5053-2D60-4022-B583-7E34AA0F90B7}. The object's program identifier is: "Exontrol.ExPopupMenu". The /COM object module is: "exPMenu.dll"
The ExPopupMenu ActiveX control allows you to display and handle a shortcut menu (window popup menu). Many times your application needs to provide a shortcut menu based on a context. Well, the ExPopupMenu is easy to use, easy to integrate into your application, and fits all your requirments. All that you need to do is to build your menu and to invoke Show property. The control provides a WYSIWYG editor that helps you to build your menu at design time. Only few clicks an you have a popup menu that contains images. The control provides few COM objects that helps user to add, remove or change the items, at runtime. A menu item can display images, check boxes, bullets or text. The menu's appearance can be changed to flat, to let you menu looks like popup menus in Microsoft NET environment. The ExPopupMenu ActiveX Control exports the following properties:

AppearanceRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the control's appearance.
AttachChanges the window's menu bar.
BackColorRetrieves or sets the control's background color.
CloseOnClickSpecifies whether the control is closed when user clicks.
CommandRetrieves a Command object based on menu item identifier.
DebugRetrieves or sets a value that indicating whether the item's identifier is visible.
DetachDetaches the window's menu, attached by the Attach method.
EventParamRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the current's event parameter.
FlatImageWidthSpecifies the width of the column to display the icons/images when the control's MenuAppearance is exMenuFlat.
FontRetrieves or sets the control's font.
ForeColorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the control's foreground color.
HAlignSpecify how the control positions the shortcut menu horizontally.
HideHides the control.
HTMLPictureAdds or replaces a picture in HTML captions.
hWndRetrievs the control window's handle.
ImagesSets the control's image list at runtime. The Handle should be a handle to an Image List control.
ItemReturns a specific Item object given its caption or its identifier.
ItemByDataSearches for a specific Item object given its associated data.
ItemHeightSpecifies the item's height in pixels.
ItemsRetrieves a Menu object to handle adding, removing or changing items at runtime.
SelBackColorRetrieves or sets a color that indicates the selection's background color.
SelForeColorRetrieves or sets a color that indicates the selection's text color.
ShadowColorSpecifies the shadow color.
ShowDisplays the popup menu at given coordinates, and retrieves the menu command identifier. The coordinates should be relative to container coordinates.
ShowAtCursorShows the popup menu at current cursor position
ShowAtWindowDisplays the popup menu relative to the given window.
VAlignSpecify how the control positions the shortcut menu vertically.
VersionRetrieves the control's version.