property Items.ItemObject (Item as HITEM) as Object

Retrieves the item's ActiveX object associated, if the item was previously created by InsertControlItem property.

Item as HITEM A long expression that indicates the handle of the item that was previously created by InsertControlItem property.
Object An object that indicates the ActiveX hosted by the item.

Use the ItemObject to access item's ActiveX properties and methods, if the item was created by the InsertControlItem property. 

The following sample adds an ExplorerTree ActiveX control:

With ExplorerTree1.Groups.Add("ActiveX")
    Dim hExplorerTree As HITEM
    hExplorerTree = .Items.InsertControlItem(.Items(0), "Exontrol.ExplorerTree")
    .Items.ItemHeight(hExplorerTree) = 212
    With .Items.ItemObject(hExplorerTree)
        With .Groups.Add("Inside Group")
            With .Items
                .AddItem "One"
                .AddItem "Two"
                .AddItem "Three"
            End With
        End With
    End With
End With