property Column.ComputedField as String
Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the formula of the computed column.

String A String expression that indicates the formula to compute the field/cell. The formula is applied to all cells in the column with the CellCaptionFormat property on exText ( the exText value is by default ).
A computed field or cell displays the result of an arithmetic formula that may include operators, variables and constants. By default, the ComputedField property is empty. If the the ComputedField property is empty, the property have no effect. If the ComputedField property is not empty, all cells in the column, that have the CellCaptionFormat property on exText, uses the same formula to display their content. For instance, you can use the CellCaptionFormat property on exHTML, for cells in the column, that need to display other things than column's formula, or you can use the CellCaptionFormat property on exComputedField, to change the formula for a particular cell.

Use the CellCaptionFormat property to change the type for a particular cell. Use the CellCaption property to specify the cell's content. For instance, if the CellCaptionFormat property is exComputedField, the Caption property indicates the formula to compute the cell's content. 

The Def(exCellCaptionFormat) property is changed to exComputedField, each time the ComputeField property is changed to a not empty value. If the ComputedField property is set to an empty string, the Def(exCellCaptionFormat) property is set to exText. Call the Refresh method to force refreshing the group.

The property may include variables, constants, operators or ( ) parenthesis.  A variable is defined as %n, where n is the index of the column ( zero based ). For instance, the %0 indicates the first column, the %1, indicates the second column, and so on.  A constant is a float expression ( for instance, 23.45 ). 

The supported binary arithmetic operators are:

The supported unary boolean operators are:

The supported binary boolean operators are:

The supported binary boolean operators, all these with the same priority 0, are :

The supported ternary operators, all these with the same priority 0, are :

"expression ? true_part : false_part"

, while it executes and returns the true_part if the expression is true, else it executes and returns the false_part. For instance, the "%0 = 1 ? 'One' : (%0 = 2 ? 'Two' : 'not found')" returns 'One' if the value is 1, 'Two' if the value is 2, and 'not found' for any other value. A n-ary equivalent operation is the case() statement, which is available in newer versions of the component.

The supported n-ary operators are (with priority 5):

"expression in (c1,c2,c3,"

, where the c1, c2, ... are constant elements. The constant elements could be numeric, date or string expressions. For instance the "value in (11,22,33,44,13)" is equivalent with "(expression = 11) or (expression = 22) or (expression = 33) or (expression = 44) or (expression = 13)". The in operator is not a time consuming as the equivalent or version is, so when you have large number of constant elements it is recommended using the in operator. Shortly, if the collection of elements has 1000 elements the in operator could take up to 8 operations in order to find if an element fits the set, else if the or statement is used, it could take up to 1000 operations to check, so by far, the in operator could save time on finding elements within a collection.

"expression switch (default,c1,c2,c3,...,cn)"

, where the c1, c2, ... are constant elements, and the default is a constant element being returned when the element is not found in the collection. The constant elements could be numeric, date or string expressions.  The equivalent syntax is "%0 = c 1 ? c 1 : ( %0 = c 2 ? c 2 : ( ... ? . : default) )". The switch operator is very similar with the in operator excepts that the first element in the switch is always returned by the statement if the element is not found,  while the returned value is the value itself instead -1. For instance, the "%0 switch ('not found',1,4,7,9,11)" gets 1, 4, 7, 9 or 11, or 'not found' for any other value. As the in operator the switch operator uses binary searches for fitting the element, so it is quicker that iif (immediate if operator) alterative.

"expression case ([default : default_expression ; ] c1 : expression1 ; c2 : expression2 ; c3 : expression3 ;....)"

If the default part is missing, the case() operator returns the value of the expression if it is not found in the collection of cases ( c1, c2, ...). For instance, if the value of expression is not any of c1, c2, .... the default_expression is executed and returned. If the value of the expression is c1, then the case() operator executes and returns the expression1. The default, c1, c2, c3, ... must be constant elements as numbers, dates or strings. For instance, the "date(shortdate(value)) case (default:0 ; #1/1/2002#:1 ; #2/1/2002#:1; #4/1/2002#:1; #5/1/2002#:1)" indicates that only #1/1/2002#, #2/1/2002#,  #4/1/2002# and  #5/1/2002# dates returns 1, since the others returns 0. For instance the following sample specifies the hour being non-working for specified dates: "date(shortdate(value)) case(default:0;#4/1/2009# : hour(value) >= 6 and hour(value) <= 12 ; #4/5/2009# : hour(value) >= 7 and hour(value) <= 10 or hour(value) in(15,16,18,22); #5/1/2009# : hour(value) <= 8)" statement indicates the working hours for dates as follows:

The in, switch and case() use binary search to look for elements so they are faster then using iif and or expressions.

Obviously, the priority of the operations inside the expression is determined by ( ) parenthesis and the priority for each operator. 

The supported conversion unary operators are:

Other known operators for numbers are:

Other known operators for strings are:

Other known operators for dates are:

The expression supports also immediate if ( similar with iif in visual basic, or ? : in C++ ) ie cond ? value_true : value_false, which means that once that cond is true the value_true is used, else the value_false is used. Also, it supports variables, up to 10 from 0 to 9. For instance, 0:="Abc" means that in the variable 0 is "Abc", and =:0 means retrieves the value of the variable 0. For instance, the "len(%0) ? ( 0:=(%1+%2) ? currency(=:0) else `` ) : ``" displays the sum between second and third column in currency format if it is not zero, and only if the first column is not empty. As you can see you can use the variables to avoid computing several times the same thing.


  1. "1", the cell displays 1
  2. "%0 + %1", the cell displays the sum between cells in the first and second columns.
  3. "%0 + %1 - %2", the cell displays the sum between cells in the first and second columns minus the third column.
  4. "(%0 + %1)*0.19", the cell displays the sum between cells in the first and second columns multiplied with 0.19.
  5. "(%0 + %1 + %2)/3", the cell displays the arithmetic average for the first three columns.
  6. "%0 + %1 < %2 + %3", displays 1 if the sum between cells in the first  two columns is less than the sum of third and forth columns.