constants PatternEnum
The PatternEnum type specifies the type of patterns that the element can fill with. The Type property indicates the pattern to fill the element. The Color property indicates the color to fill the element's pattern, while the FrameColor property indicates the color to show the element's border/frame if the Type property includes the exPatternFrame flag.

The PatternEnum type supports the following values:

exPatternEmpty0 exPatternEmpty
exPatternSolid1 exPatternSolid
exPatternDot2 exPatternDot
exPatternShadow3 exPatternShadow
exPatternNDot4 exPatternNDot
exPatternFDiagonal5 exPatternFDiagonal
exPatternBDiagonal6 exPatternBDiagonal
exPatternDiagCross7 exPatternDiagCross
exPatternVertical8 exPatternVertical
exPatternHorizontal9 exPatternHorizontal
exPatternCross10 exPatternCross
exPatternBrick11 exPatternBrick
exPatternYard12 exPatternYard
exPatternFrame256 exPatternFrame
exPatternFrameThick768 exPatternFrameThick