event BeforeExpandNode (Node as Node, Cancel as Variant)
Occurs when a node is about to be expanded or collapsed.

Node as Node A Node object being expanded or collapsed.
Cancel as Variant A boolean expression that indicates whether the operation is canceled or not.
Use the BeforeExpandNode event to notify your application that the user is about to expand or collapse a node. Use the Expanded property to expand or collapse a node. Use the HasChilds property to display expanding/collapsing buttons for a node to build your virtual tree. You can use the BeforeExpandNode event to cancel expanding specified nodes.

Syntax for BeforeExpandNode event, /NET version, on:

private void BeforeExpandNode(object sender,exontrol.EXMLGRIDLib.Node Node,ref object Cancel)

Private Sub BeforeExpandNode(ByVal sender As System.Object,ByVal Node As exontrol.EXMLGRIDLib.Node,ByRef Cancel As Object) Handles BeforeExpandNode
End Sub

Syntax for BeforeExpandNode event, /COM version, on:

private void BeforeExpandNode(object sender, AxEXMLGRIDLib._IXMLGridEvents_BeforeExpandNodeEvent e)

void OnBeforeExpandNode(LPDISPATCH Node,VARIANT FAR* Cancel)

void __fastcall BeforeExpandNode(TObject *Sender,Exmlgridlib_tlb::INode *Node,Variant * Cancel)

procedure BeforeExpandNode(ASender: TObject; Node : INode;var Cancel : OleVariant);

procedure BeforeExpandNode(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXMLGRIDLib._IXMLGridEvents_BeforeExpandNodeEvent);

begin event BeforeExpandNode(oleobject Node,any Cancel)
end event BeforeExpandNode

Private Sub BeforeExpandNode(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXMLGRIDLib._IXMLGridEvents_BeforeExpandNodeEvent) Handles BeforeExpandNode
End Sub

Private Sub BeforeExpandNode(ByVal Node As EXMLGRIDLibCtl.INode,Cancel As Variant)
End Sub

Private Sub BeforeExpandNode(ByVal Node As Object,Cancel As Variant)
End Sub


PROCEDURE OnBeforeExpandNode(oXMLGrid,Node,Cancel)

Syntax for BeforeExpandNode event, /COM version (others), on:

<SCRIPT EVENT="BeforeExpandNode(Node,Cancel)" LANGUAGE="JScript">

Function BeforeExpandNode(Node,Cancel)
End Function

Procedure OnComBeforeExpandNode Variant llNode Variant llCancel
	Forward Send OnComBeforeExpandNode llNode llCancel

METHOD OCX_BeforeExpandNode(Node,Cancel) CLASS MainDialog

void onEvent_BeforeExpandNode(COM _Node,COMVariant /*variant*/ _Cancel)

function BeforeExpandNode as v (Node as OLE::Exontrol.XMLGrid.1::INode,Cancel as A)
end function

function nativeObject_BeforeExpandNode(Node,Cancel)

The following VB sample adds new child nodes to the node that's about to be expanded:

Private Sub XMLGrid1_BeforeExpandNode(ByVal Node As EXMLGRIDLibCtl.INode, Cancel As Variant)
    If Not Node.Expanded Then
        With Node.Nodes
            With .Add("New Node")
                .HasChilds = True
            End With
        End With
    End If
End Sub 

The following C++ sample adds new child nodes to the node that's about to be expanded:

#include "Node.h"
#include "Nodes.h"
void OnBeforeExpandNodeXmlgrid1(LPDISPATCH Node, VARIANT FAR* Cancel) 
	if ( IsWindow( m_xmlgrid.m_hWnd) )
		CNode node( Node ); node.m_bAutoRelease = FALSE;
		if ( !node.GetExpanded() )
			COleVariant vtMissing; V_VT( &vtMissing ) = VT_ERROR;
			CNode newNode = node.GetNodes().Add( "New Node", vtMissing, vtMissing );
			newNode.SetHasChilds( TRUE );

The following VB.NET sample adds new child nodes to the node that's about to be expanded:

Private Sub AxXMLGrid1_BeforeExpandNode(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AxEXMLGRIDLib._IXMLGridEvents_BeforeExpandNodeEvent) Handles AxXMLGrid1.BeforeExpandNode
    If Not e.node.Expanded Then
        With e.node.Nodes
            With .Add("New Node")
                .HasChilds = True
            End With
        End With
    End If
End Sub

The following C# sample adds new child nodes to the node that's about to be expanded:

private void axXMLGrid1_BeforeExpandNode(object sender, AxEXMLGRIDLib._IXMLGridEvents_BeforeExpandNodeEvent e)
	if (!e.node.Expanded)
		EXMLGRIDLib.Nodes nodes = e.node.Nodes;
		nodes.Add( "New Node", null, null ).HasChilds = true;

The following VFP sample adds new child nodes to the node that's about to be expanded:

*** ActiveX Control Event ***
LPARAMETERS node, cancel

with node
	If !.Expanded Then
	    With .Nodes
	        With .Add("New Node")
	            .HasChilds = .t.