property Node.Picture as Variant
Assign a picture to a node.

  • A Picture object that indicates the node's picture ( A Picture object implements IPicture interface ), 
  • A String expression that specifies the path to picture's file to be displayed
  • A String expression that indicates the base64 encoded string that holds a picture object. Use the eximages tool to save your picture as base64 encoded format.
  • A String expression that specifies the key of HTMLPicture to be displayed.
Use the Picture property to assign a picture to a node. The node's icon is displayed on the left side of the node. The node's picture is displayed on the child level area, so the node should be expanded. The Expanded property specifies whether the node is expanded or collapsed. Use the Image property to assign an icon to a node. Use the Images method to load icons to the control. Use the Picture property to put a picture on the control's background. You can use the BackgroundExt property for unlimited options to show any HTML text, images, colors, EBNs, patterns, frames anywhere on the node's background