event ColumnClick (Column as Column)
Fired after the user clicks on column's header.

Column as Column A Column object being clicked.

The ColumnClick event is fired when the user clicks the column's header. By default, the control sorts by the column when user clicks the column's header. Use the SortOnClick property to specify the operation that control does when user clicks the column's caption. Use the ColumnFromPoint property to access the column from point. Use the ItemFromPoint property to access the item from point. The control fires Sort method when the control sorts a column. Use the MouseDown or MouseUp event to notify the control when the user clicks the control, including the columns. Use the HeaderVisible property to hide the control's header bar. 

Syntax for ColumnClick event, /NET version, on:

private void ColumnClick(object sender,exontrol.EXLISTLib.Column Column)

Private Sub ColumnClick(ByVal sender As System.Object,ByVal Column As exontrol.EXLISTLib.Column) Handles ColumnClick
End Sub

Syntax for ColumnClick event, /COM version, on:

private void ColumnClick(object sender, AxEXLISTLib._IListEvents_ColumnClickEvent e)

void OnColumnClick(LPDISPATCH Column)

void __fastcall ColumnClick(TObject *Sender,Exlistlib_tlb::IColumn *Column)

procedure ColumnClick(ASender: TObject; Column : IColumn);

procedure ColumnClick(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXLISTLib._IListEvents_ColumnClickEvent);

begin event ColumnClick(oleobject Column)
end event ColumnClick

Private Sub ColumnClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXLISTLib._IListEvents_ColumnClickEvent) Handles ColumnClick
End Sub

Private Sub ColumnClick(ByVal Column As EXLISTLibCtl.IColumn)
End Sub

Private Sub ColumnClick(ByVal Column As Object)
End Sub


PROCEDURE OnColumnClick(oList,Column)

Syntax for ColumnClick event, /COM version (others), on:

<SCRIPT EVENT="ColumnClick(Column)" LANGUAGE="JScript">

Function ColumnClick(Column)
End Function

Procedure OnComColumnClick Variant llColumn
	Forward Send OnComColumnClick llColumn

METHOD OCX_ColumnClick(Column) CLASS MainDialog

void onEvent_ColumnClick(COM _Column)

function ColumnClick as v (Column as OLE::Exontrol.List.1::IColumn)
end function

function nativeObject_ColumnClick(Column)

The following VB sample displays the caption of the column being clicked:

Private Sub List1_ColumnClick(ByVal Column As EXLISTLibCtl.IColumn)
    Debug.Print Column.Caption
End Sub

The following C++ sample displays the caption of the column being clicked:

#include "Column.h"
void OnColumnClickList1(LPDISPATCH Column) 
	CColumn column( Column );
	column.m_bAutoRelease = FALSE;
	MessageBox( column.GetCaption() );

The following VB.NET sample displays the caption of the column being clicked:

Private Sub AxList1_ColumnClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AxEXLISTLib._IListEvents_ColumnClickEvent) Handles AxList1.ColumnClick
End Sub

The following C# sample displays the caption of the column being clicked:

private void axList1_ColumnClick(object sender, AxEXLISTLib._IListEvents_ColumnClickEvent e)
	MessageBox.Show( e.column.Caption );

The following VFP sample displays the caption of the column being clicked:

*** ActiveX Control Event ***

with column
	wait window nowait .Caption