property Items.ItemForeColor(Index as Long) as Color
Retrieves or sets a foreground color for a specific item.

Index as Long A long expression that indicates the index of the item.
Color A color expression that indicates the item's foreground color

Use the ItemForeColor property to change the item's foreground color. Use the CellForeColor property to change the cell's foreground color. Use the ItemBackColor property to change the item's background color. Use the ClearItemForeColor property to clear the item's foreground color once that the ItemForeColor property is used. Use the ForeColor property to specify the control's foreground color.

The following VB sample changes the foreground color of the focused item:

With List1.Items
    .ItemForeColor(.FocusItem) = vbRed
End With

In VB.NET or C# you require the following functions until the .NET framework will provide:

You can use the following VB.NET function:
     Shared Function ToUInt32(ByVal c As Color) As UInt32
         Dim i As Long
	 i = c.R
	 i = i + 256 * c.G
	 i = i + 256 * 256 * c.B
	 ToUInt32 = Convert.ToUInt32(i)
     End Function 
You can use the following C# function:
private UInt32 ToUInt32(Color c)
	long i;
	i = c.R;
	i = i + 256 * c.G;
	i = i + 256 * 256 * c.B;
	return Convert.ToUInt32(i);

The following C# sample changes the foreground color of the focused item:

axList1.Items.set_ItemForeColor(axList1.Items.FocusItem, ToUInt32(Color.Red) );

The following VB.NET sample changes the foreground color of the focused item:

With AxList1.Items
    .ItemForeColor(.FocusItem) = ToUInt32(Color.Red)
End With

The following C++ sample changes the foreground color of the focused item:

#include "Items.h"
CItems items = m_list.GetItems();
items.SetItemForeColor( items.GetFocusItem(), RGB(255,0,0) );

The following VFP sample changes the foreground color of the focused item:

with thisform.List1.Items
	.ItemForeColor( .FocusItem ) = RGB(255,0,0)