property Items.CellVAlignment (Index as Long, ColIndex as Variant) as VAlignmentEnum
Retrieves or sets a value that indicates how the cell's caption is vertically aligned.

Index as Long A long expression that specifies the index of the item.
ColIndex as Variant A long expression that specifies the index of column, a string expression that identifies the column's caption or column's key.
VAlignmentEnum A VAlignmentEnum expression that indicates the vertical cell's alignment

The CellVAlignment property aligns vertically the cell's caption. Use the ItemHeight property to specify the item's height. The Alignment property aligns horizontally the cells in a column. The CellHAlignment property aligns a particular cell. the CellSingleLine property to specify whether a cell uses single or multiple lines. Use the Def(exCellVAlignment) property to specify the same vertical alignment for the entire column.

The following VB sample aligns the focused cell to the bottom:

With List1.Items
    .CellVAlignment(.FocusItem, 0) = VAlignmentEnum.BottomAlignment
End With

The following C++ sample right aligns the focused cell:

#include "Items.h"
CItems items = m_list.GetItems();
items.SetCellVAlignment( items.GetFocusItem() , COleVariant( (long)0 ), 2 /*BottomAlignment*/ );

The following VB.NET sample right aligns the focused cell:

With AxList1.Items
    .CellVAlignment(.FocusItem, 0) = EXLISTLib.VAlignmentEnum.BottomAlignment
End With

The following C# sample right aligns the focused cell:

axList1.Items.set_CellVAlignment(axList1.Items.FocusItem, 0, EXLISTLib.VAlignmentEnum.BottomAlignment);

The following VFP sample right aligns the focused cell:

with thisform.List1.Items
	.CellVAlignment(.FocusItem,0) = 2 && BottomAlignment