property Items.CellHyperLink (Index as Long, ColIndex as Variant) as Boolean
Specifies whether the cell's is highlighted when the cursor mouse is over the cell.

Index as Long A long expression that specifies the index of item.
ColIndex as Variant A long expression that specifies the index of column, a string expression that identifies the column's caption or column's key.
Boolean A boolean expression that indicates whether the cell's is highlighted when the cursor mouse is over the cell.

A cell that has CellHyperLink property to True, is a cell of hyper link type. Use the CellHyperLink property to add hyper links to your control. Use the CellForeColor property to change the cell's foreground color. Use the HyperLinkColor property to change the color that's used by control when the cursor is over a cell of hyper link type. Use the <a> anchor element to mark hyperlinks in HTML captions.