Message object
The Message object holds a collection of lines that defines the e-mail message in MIME format. The Message object supports the following properties and methods: 

AttachmentGets the attachment given its index.
AttachmentsCountGets the count of message attachments.
CountGets the number of the lines in the message including the message's header.
FromGets the message's sender.
HeaderRetrieves the header field attributes giving the name for the header field.
HTMLGets the message's html text.
IDGets the message's identifier.
IndexGets the index of the message on the server.
LineGets the line in the message giving its index.
LoadLoads the message from a file.
RefreshRefreshes the message.
SaveSaves the message to a file.
SizeSpecifies the message's size.
SubjectGets the subject of the message.
TextGets the message's plain text.
UserDataRetrieves or sets an extra value associated to the object.