constants BackgroundPartEnum
The BackgroundPartEnum type indicates parts in the control. Use the Background property to specify a background color or a visual appearance for specific parts in the control. A Color expression that indicates the background color for a specified part. The last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the color to indicates the identifier of the skin being used. Use the Add method to add new skins to the control. If you need to remove the skin appearance from a part of the control you need to reset the last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the color being applied to the background's part.

If you refer a part of the scroll bar please notice the following:  

exHeaderFilterBarButton0 Specifies the background color for the drop down filter bar button. Use the DisplayFilterButton property to specify whether the drop down filter bar button is visible or hidden.
exFooterFilterBarButton1 Specifies the background color for the closing button in the filter bar. Use the ClearFilter method to remove the filter from the control.
exCellButtonUp2 Specifies the background color for the cell's button, when it is up. By default, the exCellButtonUp property is 0, which indicates that the current visual theme is responsible to show the button's face while it is up. Use the CellHasButton property to assign a button to a cell. The exCursorHoverCellButton property specifies the visual appearance for the cell's button when the cursor hovers it. 
exCellButtonDown3 Specifies the background color for the cell's button, when it is down. By default, the exCellButtonDown property is 0, which indicates that the current visual theme is responsible to show the button's face while it is down. Use the CellHasButton property to assign a button to a cell. The exCursorHoverCellButton property specifies the visual appearance for the cell's button when the cursor hovers it. 
exDropDownButtonUp4 Specifies the visual appearance for the drop down button, when it is up. Usually the editors with a drop down portion displays a drop down button.
exDropDownButtonDown5 Specifies the visual appearance for the drop down button, when it is down. Usually the editors with a drop down portion displays a drop down button.
exButtonUp6 Specifies the visual appearance for the button inside the editor, when it is up. Use the AddButton method to add new buttons to an editor.
exButtonDown7 Specifies the visual appearance for the button inside the editor, when it is down. Use the AddButton method to add new buttons to an editor.
exDateHeader8 Specifies the visual appearance for the header in a calendar control.
exDateTodayUp9 Specifies the visual appearance for the today button in a calendar control, when it is up.
exDateTodayDown10 Specifies the visual appearance for the today button in a calendar control, when it is down.
exDateScrollThumb11 Specifies the visual appearance for the scrolling thumb in a calendar control.
exDateScrollRange12 Specifies the visual appearance for the scrolling range in a calendar control.
exDateSeparatorBar13 Specifies the visual appearance for the separator bar in a calendar control.
exDateSelect14 Specifies the visual appearance for the selected date in a calendar control.
exSliderRange15 Specifies the visual appearance for the slider's bar. The SliderType specifies whether an editor displays a slider bar control.
exSliderThumb16 Specifies the visual appearance for the thumb of the slider. The SliderType specifies whether an editor displays a slider bar control.
exSelectInPlace17 Specifies the visual appearance for the selection when a drop down editor is focused and closed.
exShowFocusRect19 Specifies the visual appearance to display the cell with the focus.
exSelBackColorFilter20 Specifies the visual appearance for the selection in the drop down filter window. The drop down filter window shows up when the user clicks the filter button in the column's header. Use the DisplayFilterButton property to specify whether the drop down filter bar button is visible or hidden.
exSelForeColorFilter21 Specifies the foreground color for the selection in the drop down filter window. The SpinType or SliderType editor may display spin controls.
exSpinUpButtonUp22 Specifies the visual appearance for the up spin button when it is not pressed.
exSpinUpButtonDown23 Specifies the visual appearance for the up spin button when it is pressed.
exSpinDownButtonUp24 Specifies the visual appearance for the down spin button when it is not pressed.
exSpinDownButtonDown25 Specifies the visual appearance for the down spin button when it is pressed.
exBackColorFilter26 Specifies the background color for the drop down filter window.
exForeColorFilter27 Specifies the foreground color for the drop down filter window.
exSortBarLinkColor28 Indicates the color or the visual appearance of the links between columns in the control's sort bar.
exCursorHoverColumn32 Specifies the visual appearance for the column when the cursor hovers it ( header column). By default, the exCursorHoverColumn property is zero, which indicates that the current theme is responsible to show the column while cursor hovers it. If exCursorHoverColumn property is -1, no visual appearance is changed while the cursor hovers the column's header.  
exDragDropBefore33 Specifies the visual appearance for the drag and drop cursor before showing the items. This option can be used to apply a background to the dragging items, before painting the items.
exDragDropAfter34 Specifies the visual appearance for the drag and drop cursor after showing the items. This option can be used to apply a semi-transparent/opaque background to the dragging items, after painting the items. If the exDragDropAfter option is set on white ( 0x00FFFFFF ), the image is not showing on OLE Drag and drop.
exDragDropListTop35 Specifies the graphic feedback of the item from the drag and drop cursor if the cursor is in the top half of the row. Please note, that if a visual effect is specified for exDragDropListOver AND exDragDropListBetween states, and a visual effect is specified for exDragDropListTop OR/AND exDragDropListBottom state(s), the exDragDropListTop visual effect is displayed ONLY if the cursor is over the first visible item, and the exDragDropListBottom visual effect is shown ONLY for the last visible item. Use the ItemFromPoint property to retrieve the hit test code for the part from the cursor. This option can be changed during the OLEDragOver event to change the visual effect for the item from the cursor at runtime.
exDragDropListBottom36 Specifies the graphic feedback of the item from the drag and drop cursor if the cursor is in the bottom half of the row. Please note, that if a visual effect is specified for exDragDropListOver AND exDragDropListBetween states, and a visual effect is specified for exDragDropListTop OR/AND exDragDropListBottom state(s), the exDragDropListTop visual effect is displayed ONLY if the cursor is over the first visible item, and the exDragDropListBottom visual effect is shown ONLY for the last visible item. Use the ItemFromPoint property to retrieve the hit test code for the part from the cursor. This option can be changed during the OLEDragOver event to change the visual effect for the item from the cursor at runtime.
exDragDropForeColor37 Specifies the foreground color for the items being dragged. By default, the foreground color is black. 
exDragDropListOver38 Specifies the graphic feedback of the item from the cursor if it is over the item. Please note, that if a visual effect is specified for exDragDropListOver AND exDragDropListBetween states, and a visual effect is specified for exDragDropListTop OR/AND exDragDropListBottom state(s), the exDragDropListTop visual effect is displayed ONLY if the cursor is over the first visible item, and the exDragDropListBottom visual effect is shown ONLY for the last visible item. Use the ItemFromPoint property to retrieve the hit test code for the part from the cursor. This option can be changed during the OLEDragOver event to change the visual effect for the item from the cursor at runtime.
exDragDropListBetween39 Specifies the graphic feedback of the item when the drag and drop cursor is between items. Please note, that if a visual effect is specified for exDragDropListOver AND exDragDropListBetween states, and a visual effect is specified for exDragDropListTop OR/AND exDragDropListBottom state(s), the exDragDropListTop visual effect is displayed ONLY if the cursor is over the first visible item, and the exDragDropListBottom visual effect is shown ONLY for the last visible item. Use the ItemFromPoint property to retrieve the hit test code for the part from the cursor. This option can be changed during the OLEDragOver event to change the visual effect for the item from the cursor at runtime.
exDragDropAlign40 Specifies the alignment of the drag and drop image relative to the cursor. By default, the exDragDropAlign option is 0, which initially the drag and drop image is shown centered relative to the position of the cursor. 

The valid values are listed as follows (hexa representation):

  • 0x00000000, (default), the drag and drop image is shown centered relative to the cursor, and shows up.
  • 0x01000000, (left), the drag and drop image is shown to the left of the cursor.
  • 0x02000000, (right), the drag and drop image is shown to the right of the cursor.
  • 0x04000000, (center-down), the drag and drop image is shown centered relative to the cursor, and shows down.
  • 0xFF000000, (as- is), the drag and drop image is shown as it is clicked.
exHeaderFilterBarActive41 Specifies the visual appearance of the drop down filter bar button, while filter is applied to the column.
exToolTipAppearance64 Indicates the visual appearance of the borders of the tooltips. Use the ToolTipPopDelay property specifies the period in ms of time the ToolTip remains visible if the mouse pointer is stationary within a control. Use the CellToolTip property to specify the cell's tooltip. Use the ToolTipWidth property to specify the width of the tooltip window. The ToolTipDelay property specifies the time in ms that passes before the ToolTip appears. Use the ShowToolTip method to display a custom tooltip.
exToolTipBackColor65 Specifies the tooltip's background color.
exToolTipForeColor66 Specifies the tooltip's foreground color.
exColumnsFloatBackColor87 Specifies the background color for the Columns floating bar. The ColumnsFloatBarVisible property indicates whether the hidden columns are shown to a floating panel. The exColumnsFloatAppearance property can be used to change the floating panel's frame. 
exColumnsFloatScrollBackColor88 Specifies the background color for the scroll bars in the Columns float bar. The ColumnsFloatBarVisible property indicates whether the hidden columns are shown to a floating panel.
exColumnsFloatScrollPressBackColor89 Specifies the background color for the scroll bars in the Columns float bar, while the scroll part is pressed. The ColumnsFloatBarVisible property indicates whether the hidden columns are shown to a floating panel.
exColumnsFloatScrollUp90 Specifies the visual appearance of the up scroll bar. The ColumnsFloatBarVisible property indicates whether the hidden columns are shown to a floating panel.
exColumnsFloatScrollDown91 Specifies the visual appearance of the down scroll bar. The ColumnsFloatBarVisible property indicates whether the hidden columns are shown to a floating panel.
exColumnsFloatAppearance92 Specifies the visual appearance for the frame/borders of the Column's float bar The ColumnsFloatBarVisible property indicates whether the hidden columns are shown to a floating panel.
exColumnsFloatCaptionBackColor93 Specifies the visual appearance for caption, if the Background(exColumnsFloatAppearance) property is specified. The ColumnsFloatBarVisible property indicates whether the hidden columns are shown to a floating panel.
exColumnsFloatCaptionForeColor94 Specifies the foreground color for the caption, if the Background(exColumnsFloatAppearance) property is specified. The ColumnsFloatBarVisible property indicates whether the hidden columns are shown to a floating panel.
exColumnsFloatCloseButton95 Specifies the visual appearance for the closing button, if the Background(exColumnsFloatAppearance) property is specified. The ColumnsFloatBarVisible property indicates whether the hidden columns are shown to a floating panel.
exListOLEDropPosition96 By default, the exListOLEDropPosition is 0, which means no effect. Specifies the visual appearance of the dropping position inside the control, when the control is implied in a OLE Drag and Drop operation. The exListOLEDropPosition has effect only if different than 0, and the OLEDropMode property is not exOLEDropNone. For instance, set the Background(exScheduleOLEDropPosition) property on RGB(0,0,255), and a blue line is shown at the item position when the cursor is hover the control, during an OLE Drag and Drop position. The OLEDragDrop event notifies your application once an object is drop in the control. 
exCursorHoverCellButton157 Specifies the visual appearance for the cell's button when the cursor hovers it. By default, the exCursorHoverCellButton property is zero, which indicates that the current theme is responsible to show the cell's button while cursor hovers it. If exCursorHoverCellButton property is -1, no visual appearance is changed while the cursor hovers the cell's button. 
exSelBackColorHide166 Specifies the selection's background color, when the control has no focus.
exSelForeColorHide167 Specifies the selection's foreground color, when the control has no focus.
exTreeGlyphOpen180 Specifies the visual appearance for the +/- buttons when it is collapsed.
exTreeGlyphClose181 Specifies the visual appearance for the +/- buttons when it is expanded.
exColumnsPositionSign182 Specifies the visual appearance for the position sign between columns, when the user changes the position of the column by drag an drop.
exTreeLinesColor186 Specifies the color to show the tree-lines (connecting lines from the parent to the children)
exVSUp256 The up button in normal state.
exVSUpP257 The up button when it is pressed.
exVSUpD258 The up button when it is disabled.
exVSUpH259 The up button when the cursor hovers it.
exVSThumb260 The thumb part (exThumbPart) in normal state.
exVSThumbP261 The thumb part (exThumbPart) when it is pressed.
exVSThumbD262 The thumb part (exThumbPart) when it is disabled.
exVSThumbH263 The thumb part (exThumbPart) when cursor hovers it.
exVSDown264 The down button in normal state.
exVSDownP265 The down button when it is pressed.
exVSDownD266 The down button when it is disabled.
exVSDownH267 The down button when the cursor hovers it.
exVSLower268 The lower part ( exLowerBackPart ) in normal state.
exVSLowerP269 The lower part ( exLowerBackPart ) when it is pressed.
exVSLowerD270 The lower part ( exLowerBackPart ) when it is disabled.
exVSLowerH271 The lower part ( exLowerBackPart ) when the cursor hovers it.
exVSUpper272 The upper part ( exUpperBackPart ) in normal state.
exVSUpperP273 The upper part ( exUpperBackPart ) when it is pressed.
exVSUpperD274 The upper part ( exUpperBackPart ) when it is disabled.
exVSUpperH275 The upper part ( exUpperBackPart ) when the cursor hovers it.
exVSBack276 The background part ( exLowerBackPart and exUpperBackPart ) in normal state.
exVSBackP277 The background part ( exLowerBackPart and exUpperBackPart ) when it is pressed.
exVSBackD278 The background part ( exLowerBackPart and exUpperBackPart ) when it is disabled.
exVSBackH279 The background part ( exLowerBackPart and exUpperBackPart ) when the cursor hovers it.
exHSLeft384 The left button in normal state.
exHSLeftP385 The left button when it is pressed.
exHSLeftD386 The left button when it is disabled.
exHSLeftH387 The left button when the cursor hovers it.
exHSThumb388 The thumb part (exThumbPart) in normal state.
exHSThumbP389 The thumb part (exThumbPart) when it is pressed.
exHSThumbD390 The thumb part (exThumbPart) when it is disabled.
exHSThumbH391 The thumb part (exThumbPart) when the cursor hovers it.
exHSRight392 The right button in normal state.
exHSRightP393 The right button when it is pressed.
exHSRightD394 The right button when it is disabled.
exHSRightH395 The right button when the cursor hovers it.
exHSLower396 The lower part (exLowerBackPart) in normal state.
exHSLowerP397 The lower part (exLowerBackPart) when it is pressed.
exHSLowerD398 The lower part (exLowerBackPart) when it is disabled.
exHSLowerH399 The lower part (exLowerBackPart) when the cursor hovers it.
exHSUpper400 The upper part (exUpperBackPart) in normal state.
exHSUpperP401 The upper part (exUpperBackPart) when it is pressed.
exHSUpperD402 The upper part (exUpperBackPart) when it is disabled.
exHSUpperH403 The upper part (exUpperBackPart) when the cursor hovers it.
exHSBack404 The background part (exLowerBackPart and exUpperBackPart) in normal state.
exHSBackP405 The background part (exLowerBackPart and exUpperBackPart) when it is pressed.
exHSBackD406 The background part (exLowerBackPart and exUpperBackPart) when it is disabled.
exHSBackH407 The background part (exLowerBackPart and exUpperBackPart) when the cursor hovers it.
exSBtn324 All button parts ( L1-L5, LButton, exThumbPart, RButton, R1-R6 ), in normal state.
exSBtnP325 All button parts ( L1-L5, LButton, exThumbPart, RButton, R1-R6 ), when it is pressed.
exSBtnD326 All button parts ( L1-L5, LButton, exThumbPart, RButton, R1-R6 ), when it is disabled.
exSBtnH327 All button parts ( L1-L5, LButton, exThumbPart, RButton, R1-R6 ), when the cursor hovers it .
exScrollHoverAll500 Enables or disables the hover-all feature. By default (Background(exScrollHoverAll) = 0), the left/top, right/bottom and thumb parts of the control' scrollbars are displayed in hover state while the cursor hovers any part of the scroll bar (hover-all feature). The hover-all feature is available on Windows 11 or greater, if only left/top, right/bottom, thumb, lower and upper-background parts of the scrollbar are visible, no custom visual-appearance is applied to any visible part. The hover-all feature is always on If Background(exScrollHoverAll) = -1. The Background(exScrollHoverAll) = 1 disables the hover-all feature.
exVSThumbExt503 The thumb-extension part in normal state.
exVSThumbExtP504 The thumb-extension part when it is pressed.
exVSThumbExtD505 The thumb-extension part when it is disabled.
exVSThumbExtH506 The thumb-extension when the cursor hovers it.
exHSThumbExt507 The thumb-extension in normal state.
exHSThumbExtP508 The thumb-extension when it is pressed.
exHSThumbExtD509 The thumb-extension when it is disabled.
exHSThumbExtH510 The thumb-extension when the cursor hovers it.
exScrollSizeGrip511 Specifies the visual appearance of the control's size grip when both scrollbars are shown.