Type | Description | |||
Item as HITEM | A long expression that indicates the item's handle. | |||
Long | A long expression that indicates the column's index. |
The following VB sample adds a divider item that's locked to the top side of
the control ( Before running this sample please make sure that your control
has columns ):
With Gantt1 .BeginUpdate .DrawGridLines = exNoLines With .Items .LockedItemCount(TopAlignment) = 1 Dim h As HITEM h = .LockedItem(TopAlignment, 0) .ItemDivider(h) = 0 .ItemHeight(h) = 22 .CellCaption(h, 0) = "<b>Total</b>: $12.344.233" .CellCaptionFormat(h, 0) = exHTML .CellHAlignment(h, 0) = RightAlignment End With .EndUpdate End With
The following C++ sample adds a divider item, that's not selectable too:
#include "Items.h" CItems items = m_gantt.GetItems(); long i = items.AddItem( COleVariant("divider item") ); items.SetItemDivider( i, 0 ); items.SetSelectableItem( i, FALSE );
The following C# sample adds a divider item, that's not selectable too:
int i = axGantt1.Items.AddItem("divider item"); axGantt1.Items.set_ItemDivider(i, 0); axGantt1.Items.set_SelectableItem(i, false);
The following VB.NET sample adds a divider item, that's not selectable too:
With AxGantt1.Items Dim i As Integer i = .AddItem("divider item") .ItemDivider(i) = 0 .SelectableItem(i) = False End With
The following VFP sample adds a divider item, that's not selectable too:
with thisform.Gantt1.Items .DefaultItem = .AddItem("divider item") .ItemDivider(0) = 0 .SelectableItem(0) = .f. endwith