property Chart.IsDateVisible (Date as Variant) as Boolean
Specifies whether the date fits the control's chart area.

Date as Variant A Date expression being queried 
Boolean A Boolean expression that indicates whether the date fits the chart's area. 
The IsDateVisible property specifies whether a date is visible or hidden. Use the FirstVisibleDate property to specify the first visible date in the chart's area. The DateChange event notifies your application whether the chart changes it's first visible date, or whether the user browses a new area in the  chart.

The following VB sample enumerates all visible dates:

With Gantt1
    With .Chart
        Dim d As Date
        d = .FirstVisibleDate
        Do While .IsDateVisible(d)
            If Day(d) = 11 Then
                If Not (.IsNonworkingDate(d)) Then
                    .AddNonworkingDate d
                End If
            End If
            d = .NextDate(d, exDay, 1)
    End With
End With

The following VB.NET sample enumerates all visible dates:

With AxGantt1
    With .Chart
        Dim d As Date
        d = .FirstVisibleDate
        Do While .IsDateVisible(d)
            If d.Day = 11 Then
                If Not (.IsNonworkingDate(d)) Then
                End If
            End If
            d = .NextDate(d, EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exDay, 1)
    End With
End With

The following C# sample enumerates all visible dates:

EXGANTTLib.Chart chart = axGantt1.Chart;
DateTime d = Convert.ToDateTime(chart.FirstVisibleDate);
while ( chart.get_IsDateVisible(d) )
	if ( d.Day == 11 )
		if ( !chart.get_IsNonworkingDate( d ) )
	d = chart.get_NextDate(d, EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exDay, 1);

The following VFP sample enumerates all visible dates:

With thisform.Gantt1
    With .Chart
        local d
        d = .FirstVisibleDate
        Do While .IsDateVisible(d)
            If Day(d) = 11 Then
                If Not (.IsNonworkingDate(d)) Then
            d = .NextDate(d, 4096, 1)