property Note.PartTransparency(Part as NotePartEnum) as Long
Specifies the transparency to diaplay the part of the note.

Part as NotePartEnum A NotePartEnum expression that specifies the part to be shown semi-transparent
Long A Long expression between 0 and 100 which indicates the percent of transparency to show the part. 0 means opaque, 50 means semi-transparent, while 100 means fully transparent. 
By default, the PartTransparency property is 0. The PartBackColor property specifies the part's background color. Use the PartVisible property to show or hide the note's starting or ending part. Use the ClearPartBackColor method to clear the part's background which means that the part shows only the borders ( PartBorderSize property is greater than 0 ), shadows ( PartShadow property is True ) and the text of the part ( PartText property ), so the part is shown with no erasing its background. The PartForeColor property to specify the part's foreground color. Use the <bgcolor> HTML tag in the PartText property to specify parts of the note's caption with different background colors.  Use the <fgcolor> HTML tag in the PartText property to specify parts of the note's caption with different foreground colors. The PartBorderColor property indicates the color to show the part's frame.

The following sample shows the note with the PartBackColor property set on red, semi-transparent (PartTransparency property is 50):