property Editor.UserEditorObject as Object
Gets the user editor object when EditType is UserEditorType.

Object An ActiveX object being used as an user editor.  

Use the UserEditorOpen property to access to the ActiveX user editor. Use the UserEditor property to initialize the ActiveX user editor. The UserEditorObject property retrieves the ActiveX control created when UserEditor method was invoked. The type of object returned by the UserEditorObject depends on the ControlID parameter of the UserEditor method. For instance, the type of the created object when UserEditor("Exontrol.ComboBox") is used, is EXCOMBOBOXLibCtl.ComboBox. The UserEditorObject property gets nothing if the UserEditor method fails. The control fires the UserEditorOpen event when an user editor is about to be shown. The control fires the UserEditorClose event when the control closes an user editor. The control fires the UserEditorOleEvent event each time when an user editor fires an event.

The following VB sample initializes an user editor of EXCOMBOBOXLibCtl.ComboBox:

With G2antt1
    .DefaultItemHeight = 21
    .TreeColumnIndex = -1
    .ColumnAutoResize = True
    .MarkSearchColumn = False
    .FullRowSelect = False
    .DrawGridLines = exVLines
    With .Columns
        With .Add("Column 0").Editor
        .EditType = EditTypeEnum.UserEditorType
        ' Creates an ExComboBox control, and gets the object created
        .UserEditor "Exontrol.ComboBox", ""
        If Not .UserEditorObject Is Nothing Then
            With .UserEditorObject ' Points to an ExComboBox control
                ' Loads the ExComboBox object
                .LinesAtRoot = exGroupLinesAtRoot
                .ColumnAutoResize = True
                .IntegralHeight = True
                .HeaderVisible = False
                .AllowSizeGrip = True
                .MinHeightList = 100
                .AutoDropDown = True
                .HasButtons = exArrow
                .Indent = 18
                .MarkSearchColumn = False
                .BackColor = G2antt1.BackColor
                With .Columns
                    With .Add("Column 0")
                    End With
                    With .Add("Column 1")
                        .Position = 0
                        .Width = 16
                    End With
                End With
                With .Items
                    Dim h1 As HITEM, h2 As HITEM, h12 As HITEM, i As Long
                    For i = 1 To 3
                        h1 = .AddItem("Group " & i)
                        .CellValue(h1, 1) = i * 4 - 3
                        h12 = .InsertItem(h1, , "Item 1")
                        .CellValue(h12, 1) = i * 4 - 2
                        h12 = .InsertItem(h1, , "Item 2")
                        .CellValue(h12, 1) = i * 4 - 1
                        h12 = .InsertItem(h1, , "Item 3")
                        .CellValue(h12, 1) = i * 4
                        .ExpandItem(h1) = True
                End With
            End With
        MsgBox "YOU NEED TO HAVE INSTALLED THE EXCOMBOBOX CONTROL, else you will not be able to see the UserEditor column"
    End If
End With
With .Add("Column 1")
    With .Editor
        .EditType = EditTypeEnum.DateType
        .AddItem 10, "Ten"
        .AddItem 20, "Twenty"
     End With
End With
End With
For i = 1 To 11
    With .Items
        Dim h As HITEM
        h = .AddItem(i)
    End With
End With

The following VB sample adds the Exontrol's eXMaskEdit Component to mask floating point numbers with digit grouping:

With G2antt1.Items
    Dim h As HITEM
    h = .AddItem(100)
    With .CellEditor(h, 0)
        .EditType = UserEditorType
        .UserEditor "Exontrol.MaskEdit", ""
        With .UserEditorObject()
            .BackColor = vbWhite
            .MaskFloat = True
            .Mask = "-###.###.###,##"
        End With
    End With
End With

The following C++ sample adds the Exontrol's eXMaskEdit Component to mask floating point numbers with digit grouping:

CItems items = m_g2antt.GetItems();
long hItem = items.AddItem( COleVariant( (double)100 ) );
CEditor editor = items.GetCellEditor( COleVariant( hItem ), COleVariant( long(0) ) );
editor.SetEditType( 16 /*UserEditorType*/ );
editor.UserEditor( "Exontrol.MaskEdit", "" );
MaskEditLib::IMaskEditPtr spMaskEdit( editor.GetUserEditorObject() );
if ( spMaskEdit != NULL )
	spMaskEdit->put_MaskFloat( TRUE );
	spMaskEdit->put_Mask( L"-###.###.###,##" );
	spMaskEdit->put_BackColor( RGB(255,255,255) );

The sample requires calling the #import <maskedit.dll> to include the type library for the eXMaskEdit component. The #import <maskedit.dll> defines the MaskEditLib namespace used in the sample.

The following VB.NET sample adds the Exontrol's eXMaskEdit Component to mask floating point numbers with digit grouping:

With AxG2antt1.Items
    Dim h As Integer = .AddItem(1000)
    With .CellEditor(h, 0)
        .EditType = EXG2ANTTLib.EditTypeEnum.UserEditorType
        .UserEditor("Exontrol.MaskEdit", "")
        With .UserEditorObject()
            .BackColor = ToUInt32(Color.White)
            .MaskFloat = True
            .Mask = "-###.###.###,##"
        End With
    End With
End With

where the ToUInt32 function converts a Color expression to an unsigned long expression and may look like follows:

Shared Function ToUInt32(ByVal c As Color) As UInt32
    Dim i As Long
    i = c.R
    i = i + 256 * c.G
    i = i + 256 * 256 * c.B
    ToUInt32 = Convert.ToUInt32(i)
End Function

The following C# sample adds the Exontrol's eXMaskEdit Component to mask floating point numbers with digit grouping:

EXG2ANTTLib.Items items = axG2antt1.Items;
int hItem = items.AddItem(100);
EXG2ANTTLib.Editor editor = items.get_CellEditor(hItem, 0);
editor.EditType = EXG2ANTTLib.EditTypeEnum.UserEditorType;
editor.UserEditor("Exontrol.MaskEdit", "");
MaskEditLib.MaskEdit maskEdit = editor.UserEditorObject as MaskEditLib.MaskEdit;
if (maskEdit != null)
	maskEdit.BackColor = ToUInt32(Color.White);
	maskEdit.MaskFloat = true;
	maskEdit.Mask = "-###.###.###,##";

where the MaskEditLib class is defined by adding a new reference to the ExMaskEdit component to your project. The ToUInt32 function converts a Color expression to an OLE_COLOR expression ( unsigned long expression ), and may look like follows:

private UInt32 ToUInt32(Color c)
	long i;
	i = c.R;
	i = i + 256 * c.G;
	i = i + 256 * 256 * c.B;
	return Convert.ToUInt32(i);

The following VFP sample adds the Exontrol's eXMaskEdit Component to mask floating point numbers with digit grouping:

With thisform.G2antt1.Items
    local h
    h = .AddItem(100)
    With .CellEditor(h, 0)
        .EditType = 16 && UserEditorType
        .UserEditor("Exontrol.MaskEdit", "")
        With .UserEditorObject()
            .BackColor = RGB(255,255,255)
            .MaskFloat = .t.
            .Mask = "-###.###.###,##"