property Chart.BackColorZoomOnFly as Color
Specifies the background color for the zoom-on-fly panel.

Color A Color expression that specifies the background color for the Zoom-OnFly view.
By default, the BackColorZoomOnFly property specifies the Zoom-OnFly's background color. By default, the BackColorZoomOnFly property is white, ( 0xFFFFFF or RGB(255,255,255) ). Use the BackColorZoomOnFly property to specify a different background color for the Zoom-OnFly panel. The BackColor property indicates the chart's background color. The AllowZoomOnFly property specifies whether the user can display the Zoom-OnFly panel, when the cursor hovers the chart part of the area, and the user presses the CTRL + SHIFT keys combination. The ZoomOnFlyCaption property indicates the HTML caption to be displayed as addition information for the bar/task from the cursor.